Tag Archives: IT
June 29, 2015 , by admin2
YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed is leading a Trade and Investment Mission to Europe from 6-13 March 2010, namely to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Hamberg in Germany and Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
Trade and investment opportunities in Malaysia will be highlighted as well as updating the business community on the measures undertaken by the Government to strengthen the economy.
Media Release Read More
June 29, 2015 , by admin2

I met a number of top Thai and Malaysian business leaders in my recent trip to Bangkok in the effort to promote greater collaboration as well as to encourage Thai business leaders to invest in Malaysia. Presently, it is noted that there are many Malaysian companies investing in Thailand. Thai investments in Malaysia is limited. This investment imbalance needs to be addressed.
It is encouraging to note that the Thai business leaders have shown high interest in investing in Malaysia. We will receive at least three trade delegations from Thailand within the next three months and expect to see the size of Thailand’s investment in Malaysia to increase accordingly. A delegation of over 120 Thai businessmen will be visiting Malaysia on 28-30 March 2010.
A Malaysia-Thai Business Opportunities Seminar will be held on 29 March 2010 at Renaissance Hotel where MITI, MIDA and MATRADE officials will be briefing the Thai business leaders on investment opportunities in Malaysia.
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2

YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed stressed the pivotal role of MITI in realising the Government’s aspiration to shift the nation towards high-income, knowledge-based economy at MITI’s monthly assembly today. Also present were YB Dato’ Jacob Dungau Sagan, Deputy Minister (Industry) and Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Mamat, Secretary General of MITI.
He said that MITI, being the Ministry in-charge of the development of the manufacturing and services sectors, is responsible for at least 80% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). “The GDP comprises 30% output from manufacturing and 50% services; therefore 80% of the GDP depends on the efficiency of MITI and agencies’ personnel in carrying out their duties and formulating the right policies for industry and trade to grow” said the Minister.
YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa also stressed the importance of MITI officers acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, including writing, communication and negotiation; in order...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
The other company, S.E.H (Shah Alam) Sdn. Bhd., a Japanese company with local participation, manufactures silicon polished wafers – one of the only four major producers of the product in the world. Since its inception in 1973, the company has invested RM2.8 billion in this business.
Going down to the ground to get first-hand feedback is imperative in the formulation of policies and creation of conducive environment for industries to expand. The issue of natural gas supply, foreign labour policy and shortage of talents in the middle management level were some of the concerns highlighted during my visit. It is my priority now to review the current policies pertaining to investment to ensure Malaysia remains on investors’ radar.
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
I led a delegation to Malaysian Steel Works (KL) Berhad, MASTEEL, in Bukit Raja, Klang on 14 April 2010. Also in the delegation to the steel plant was the Secretary General of MITI, Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Mamat. On hand to receive us at the factory, was the Managing Director cum Chief Executive officer of MASTEEL, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Tai Hean Leng.
The company which produces billets and steel bars at an annual capacity of 450,000mt, exports its products to ASEAN, Bangladesh and Australia. Currently occupying 20 acres out of 200 acres of land acquired from Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS), MASTEEL is planning to diversify its production and invest RM300 million in wire rod and wire mesh manufacturing.
While exchanging views on the outlook of the iron and steel industry, I was delighted to note that the conducive domestic business environment has encouraged the company to expand its operations domestically.
Well done, MASTEEL !
Tags: business... Read More
June 29, 2015 , by admin2
The Malaysia Services Exhibition 2010, the third of a series of service exhibition organised by MATRADE was officially opened in Dubai on 13 April 2010 by YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia and Her Highness Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qassimi, Minister of Foreign Trade, United Arab Emirates.
The 3-day event at Za’abeel Hall, Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC), Dubai, functioned as a one stop centre to tap into the capabilities of Malaysia’s best service providers. Among the highlights of MSE 2010 were pre-arranged Business Networking sessions (International Partner Matchmaking), Malaysia Services Forum and Workshop on selected Malaysian services.
MSE 2010 also featured Malaysia’s excellence, reputation and capabilities in the rapidly growing green technology sector. In conjunction with this exhibition, a coffee table book, “Malaysia - Excellence and Capabilities in Green Technology” was...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
In a rapidly changing world, Malaysia holds its own…
With a vibrant economy that is progressing…
Through rapid industrialisation and transformation…
ENJOY THE VIDEO! Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2

June 29, 2015 , by admin2
Efficient service delivery is the mantra of the civil service these days. Many initiatives have been undertaken to facilitate business especially in enhancing delivery at just a fraction of the original duration and cost.
Thanks to the advent of technology - MITI has made it easier for businesses to access online services to certify, register, import and export their products. You can now
take advantage of benefits offered through various Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and preferential schemes …
apply for Approved Permits (APs) …
gain access to information on international trade fairs, trade & investment missions…
identify suitable joint -venture partners and get business news heads-up…
from anywhere, anytime …..and the list goes on…………….!
It cannot be denied that the public service delivery has been enhanced with the advent of technology – read more on the views of the Secretary General of MITI on Improving Service Delivery via Online Tools.
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
The 2010 World Competitiveness Yearbook by the International Institute for Management Development, IMD , ranked Malaysia as one of the top 10 most competitive countries in the world !
Check these figures out…
For the first time Malaysia has been ranked in the top ten most competitive countries in the world. Malaysia’s strengthened position rests largely on significant improvements in Government and Business Efficiency ratings :
Government Efficiency : 10 ranks up to the 9 th , from the 19th
Business Efficiency : 9 places up to the 4 th , from the 13 th
Among middle-income countries, with GDP per capita under US$20k, Malaysia ranks second only to Taiwan . The top ten includes Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States, Switzerland, Australia, Sweden, Canada and Norway.
In terms of Economic Performance , Malaysia received particularly strong ratings around:
Low long-term unemployment (ranked 4 th ),
Strong exports as a percentage of GDP...
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