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Tag Archives: Miti Report

Might-Meteor Partners Korean Firm To Spur SME Productivity
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 (Bernama) — Might-Meteor Advanced Manufacturing aims to improve the productivity of at least 100 local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) this year via the “Coaching For You@SME” programme adopted from South Korea. “For the first batch, 20 companies will be coached on Korean methods to expedite employees’ talents and competencies in business,” Managing Director Jasmin Baba told the media at the signing of the partnership agreement between Korea’s Incoaching Co Ltd and Might-Meteor. She said the programme would benefit mostly high-technology companies involved in shipbuilding, aerospace and the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project under the government’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). “We want to make sure the employees have a high quality and professional attitude that can be passed on to other colleagues and together help improve their companies,” she said. SME Corp Chief Executive Officer Datuk Hafsah Hashim, who was also at the...
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MSE Algeria, Algiers Trade Fair Generated RM197.5 Million In Sales
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 (Bernama) — Two export promotion activities organised by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) in Algeria in May and June generated sales and projects valued at RM197.5 million. Matrade said Malaysian exhibitors generated sales mainly for the supply and installation of solar systems, repair and maintenance of power transformers, telecommunication network equipment and related services, and LED solar aviation lightings. “Algeria, with a population of 60 million and a relatively weak manufacturing sector, offers good export potential for Malaysian companies in both the products and services sectors,” it said in a statement today. Matrade organised the inaugural Malaysia Services Exhibition (MSE) in Algiers in conjunction with the 7th Algeria Electro, Automation & Energy trade fair held on May 18-21. The corporation also coordinated the participation of Malaysian companies at the recently concluded 46th Algiers International...
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Matrade Seminar On Tapping United Nations Business
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 (Bernama) — The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) will organise a half-day seminar titled, “United Nations Business and Vendor Registration” on June 20. In a statement, Matrade said the seminar would be held in collaboration with the United Nations Procurement Division (New York) to inform Malaysian companies, exporters and suppliers of the procurement opportunities offered by various UN agencies, globally. Procurement activities undertaken by the United Nations Procurement Division and the types of products and services regularly procured by UN agencies worldwide would be highlighted during the seminar. One-on-one meetings and UN Vendor Registration Support will also take place during the event. The Procurement Division of the United Nations Secretariat is responsible for providing quality service and expert business advice to the UN headquarters in New York. Matrade said there was only 44 Malaysian vendors registered with...
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26 SMEs Awarded 1-innoCERT Certification This Year
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 (Bernama) — SME Corp Malaysia has certified 26 local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the 1-Innovation Certification for Enterprise Rating and Transformation (1-InnoCERT) this year. Chairman Datuk Dr Mohamed Al Amin Abdul Majid said since 2010, 166 local SMEs have attained 1-InnoCERT certification. “As of last month, 90 companies have successfully reached the 700-point eligibility criteria set by the 1-InnoCERT certifications programme and out of this, 26 companies are new entrants,” he told reporters after a 1-InnoCERT certificate presentation ceremony here Wednesday. Mohamed Al Amin said companies certified with 1-InnoCERT benefit from the Green Lane Policy, which gives them priority access to government procurement, financial assistance, tax incentives and customised facilitation. “Over and above the Green Lane Policy, SME Corp in collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia and Association of Bank Malaysia has provided an avenue for...
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E&E Sector Attracts RM3.2 Billion Investments In First Quarter
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
GEORGE TOWN, June 17 (Bernama) — The electrical and electronics (E&E) sector attracted investments of RM3.2 billion in the first quarter of the year and will remain a major contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Product, says Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) Chairman Tan Sri Amirsham A.Aziz. He said the sector rebounded with a high-level of investments with 20 projects approved during the quarter and was expected to provide employment and increased opportunities to local companies. Despite Malaysia being home to many of the largest and most successful multinational corporations, the industry also had many home-grown stars. “Domestic players have taken the lead to move up the value chain as many players have started to get involved in research and development (R&D) in the E&E industry. “SMEs (small-and-medium entrepreneurs) has also shown innovation interest as there are abundant opportunities within the E&E industry,” he said in a keynote address...
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Malaysia-Australia FTA Expected To Expand Bilateral Trade
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, June 18 (Bernama) — The implementation of the Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (MAFTA) which came effect on Jan 1 2013 is expected to widen and deepen bilateral trade engagement. Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said under the MAFTA, Australian exporters to Malaysia enjoy significantly reduced tariffs for goods, reaching up to 99 per cent of product coverage by 2020. “The state of Victoria represents 19.6 per cent of Malaysia’s overall trade with Australia,” Mustapa said in his speech at the reception here Monday for the Victorian delegation taking part in the a trade mission to Malaysia, Singapaore and Indonesia. Malaysia’s exports to Victoria in 2012 represented 21.2 per cent of Malaysia’s total exports to Australia, and Malaysia’s imports from Victoria represented 12.6 per cent of Malaysia’s total imports in 2012. “We welcome strong interest from Victoria in promoting various sectors of interest as...
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Mida Disburses RM139.4 Mln Under DISF To 19 Local Companies
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUCHING, June 18 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida), has as of May this year, disbursed RM139.4 million under the Domestic Investment Strategic Fund (DISF) to 19 local companies. Its executive director (services development), Datuk Mathialakan Chelliah said the RM1 billion DISF was established to accelerate the participation of Malaysian-owned companies in the global supply chain, namely high-value added, high technology, knowledge-intensive and innovation-based industries. “The RM1 billion DISF will be disbursed on a negotiable basis, based on the request of companies, and the merits of each case with the objective of enhancing the technological capabilities of domestic investors,” he added.He was speaking at Mida’s seminar on the “Government’s Initiatives to Propel the Services Sector”, here today.The seminar was officiated by Sarawak Assistant Minister for Industrial Development (Investment and Promotion), Julaihi Narawi. On the...
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Local authority must buck up
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
MALAYSIA was rated the 16th best investment destination by the United Nations this year. We have improved our position from 19th last year to 16th. This puts us on a par with France and Canada. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development also ranked Malaysia 11th among the top 20 economies with the highest foreign direct investment (FDI) rates of return. This is an excellent indicator to show that Malaysia continues to be a profitable centre. On the same note, the AT Kearny Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index shows that we have dropped from 10th to 25th position, which is the last position measured. This report is based on a survey of 300 senior executives of the world leading corporations. It showed that these global corporations may have initially been attracted to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Economic Transformation Programme. The reports are an excellent indicator and we can either rejoice or sit back and reflect. There may be a thousand...
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Berusaha keras perkasa ekonomi Melayu agar setanding dengan bangsa lain
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
SAYA berasa terpanggil untuk menulis surat ini atas dasar ekonomi Melayu masih lagi ?statik? sehingga kini. Statik dalam erti kata merujuk kepada sifat kurang berdaya saing usahawan-usahawan Melayu kerana tidak cukupnya sokongan dan dokongan daripada pihak-pihak berwajib, selain pelaksanaan dasar-dasar keusahawanan yang dilihat cenderung kepada meningkatnya penglibatan usahawan bukan Melayu. Selain itu, melalui pengamatan saya, dapat dilihat bahawa kurangnya bimbingan dan bantuan daripada agensi-agensi kerajaan juga telah mengakibatkan sebahagian besar usahawan-usahawan Melayu/Bumiputera berasa tawar hati untuk meneruskan karier mereka dalam bidang perniagaan. Atas dasar itulah, maka penubuhan MAPEM (Majlis Perundingan Ekonomi Melayu Malaysia) dilihat sangat signifikan dalam memartabatkan kembali ekonomi Melayu yang dilihat begitu rancak semasa era Tun Dr. Mahathir dahulu. Pada 25 Jun yang lalu, MAPEM telah mengadakan mesyuarat agung yang pertama selepas PRU-13. Apa yang menarik...
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MITI Mulakan Siasatan Anti Lambakan Ke Atas Import Produk FCB Dari Thailand
June 19, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, 2 Julai (Bernama) — Kerajaan memutuskan untuk memulakan penyiasatan awal ke atas import “cellulose fibre reinforced cement flat and pattern sheets” (FCB) dari Thailand susulan petisyen daripada pengeluar tempatan yang meminta duti anti lambakan dikenakan ke atas import FCB. “Selaras dengan Akta Duti Timbal Balas dan Anti Lambakan 1993 dan Peraturan yang berkaitan, satu penentuan awal akan dibuat dalam tempoh 120 hari daripada tarikh permulaan siasatan. “Sekiranya penyiasatan awal didapati afirmatif, maka Kerajaan mungkin akan mengenakan duti anti lambakan sementara pada kadar yang perlu untuk memastikan tiada kemudaratan yang berterusan,” kata Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) dalam satu kenyataan. Petisyen itu, yang diterima kerajaan pada 3 Jun, antara lain mendakwa FCB yang berasal atau dieksport dari Thailand dibawa masuk ke Malaysia dengan harga lebih rendah daripada yang dijual di pasaran domestik negara-negara...
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Development Finance Bhd Malaysian Palm Oil Board Malaysian Report Malaysian Standards Malaysian economy Malaysian pavilion Manufacturing Manufacturing Industry Maybank Media Release Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Microsoft Mid Tier Companies Development Programme Minister of Commerce of China Gao yan Minister of International Trade and Industry Ministry of Finance Ministry of International Trade and Industry Miti Miti Report Miti Weekly Bulletin MyASEAN Internship Programme NAP NAP review National Automotive Policy Nestle Networking OIC OIC-Asia Trade and Economic Forum 2015 Organisation of Islamic Cooperation P Ravindran PEMANDU PEMUDAH PKS PLKN PPD Pameran Maritime dan Aeroangkasa Antarabangsa Langkawi 2015 Parts and Components Pembangunan Industri Halal Sdn Bhd Pengurusan Prestasi dan Pelaksanaan (PEMANDU) Perbadanan Perbadanan Pembangunan Industri Halal Sdn Bhd Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia Performance Management and Delivery Unit Perjanjian 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Elimination Temasek Foundation Tenaga Nasional Bhd's The 21th ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) The Malaysian Investment Development Authority The New Global Context The World Trade Organisation (WTO Toyota Camry Trade Trade Figure Trade Performance Trade Review Trans Pacific Partnership Trans Pacific Partnerships Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement UMW Corporation UMW Holdings Berhad UMW Toyota UNCTAD US Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Untag Usahawan Bumiputera Vehicle End-of-Life Policy Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) WCC WCY WEF WEP WHS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM(WEF) EAST ASIA 2014 AND TRADE & INVEST WTO World Competitive Centre World Competitiveness Center (WCC) World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) World Economic Forum World Halal Conference 2015 World Halal Summit YB Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed ZICOlaw application auto automotive bangladesh bank negara malaysia bilateral relation biojisim biomass business business facilitataion business facilitation cars 15 years cement industry competitiiveness competitive competitiveness competitveness currency e&e economy education electrical electronics emerging market environment eport World Competitiveness Yearbook 2014 export exports felda food manufacturing fore foreign direct investments foreign trade forex free trade agreement green technology gross domestic product healthcare highway hong kong import imports india industries industry interest rates international standards investmen investment investments irAsia iron and steel japan jepun kdnk kelantan liberalisation logistic low carbon malaysia malaysian business manila manufacturing mecc metal sub-sector middle east mihas miti motor vehicles national green technology national timber policy non-Islamic nations non-tariff north africa packaging policy review portland cement proton public service delivery renminbi research and development retails road transport sales showcase small and medium enterprises small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sme sme corp sme corp malaysia sme master plan smi smidec syarikat berstatus multinasional tariff tax incentive textiles the Asociation of Southeast Asian Nations the electrical and electronics the government's 11th Malaysian Plan tnb tourism trade tradisional medicine tube programme usahaw value added visit wood wood-based products world economic forums