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Tag Archives: Miti Report

RM260m boost for local car vendors, dealers
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
SECOND national carmaker Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (Perodua) has teamed up with Malaysian Automotive Institute (MAI) to offer financing facility to local car vendors and dealers. The partnership is in line with the government’s efforts to make the automotive industry globally competitive. Perodua will provide an initial fund worth RM260 million to car vendors and dealers, while MAI will evaluate their business proposals to determine whether they are worthy of receiving the financing, which is for over five years. “This is another example of a smart partnership between the government and corporate sectors to further strengthen the industry,” said Perodua president and chief executive officer, Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh, after the signing ceremony between MAI, Perodua Manufacturing Sdn Bhd and Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd, here, yesterday. The signing was witnessed by International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed. Also present was MAI chief executive...
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Johor catat pelaburan RM14.4 bilion, destinasi popular pelaburan di Malaysia
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUCHING 4 Mac - Johor merupakan destinasi pilihan utama pelabur di negara ini apabila mencatatkan nilai pelaburan berjumlah RM14.4 bilion dalam sektor pembuatan mengatasi Selangor, Sarawak dan Pulau Pinang pada tahun lalu. Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Ir. Hamim Samuri berkata, Selangor berada di tangga kedua dengan hasil pelaburan sebanyak RM9.8 bilion, diikuti Sarawak (RM8.27 bilion) dan Pulau Pinang (RM3.9 bilion). Katanya, daripada keempat-empat negeri itu, Sarawak mencatat hasil pelaburan hampir mencecah dua kali ganda berbanding tahun sebelumnya iaitu sebanyak RM4.72 bilion. Menurutnya, jumlah itu menunjukkan pengusaha dan penggiat aktiviti perniagaan pelbagai peringkat di Sarawak mempunyai keyakinan dalam menarik pelabur asing dan domestik terhadap prestasi ekonomi negeri itu. “Saya juga percaya komitmen kerajaan negeri dalam mewujudkan suasana kondusif dan mesra pelabur ternyata berjaya menarik pelabur untuk menanam modal di Sarawak,”...
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Malaysian Firms Achieve RM52.75 Million Sales At FOODEX Japan 2014
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 (Bernama) — Malaysian companies achieved RM52.75 million sales at the FOODEX Japan Trade Fair held in Makuhari Messe in Chiba, the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) said Monday. Matrade said confectionery products contributed 38.14 per cent of the total sales, followed by beverages products (30.13 per cent) and food ingredients (14.26 per cent). Malaysia’s national pavilion, comprising 24 Malaysian companies, received 1,790 trade enquiries from importers, distributors and procurement centres from Japan, China and South Korea throughout the four-day fair from March 4, the national trade promotion agency said in a statement. Matrade Tokyo Trade Commissioner Kua Kiat Chye said Malaysian food and beverages products are widely accepted in Japan due to its assurance on standard and quality. He said Malaysian companies should also consider opportunities in Japan’s hospitality sector to meet the growing demand of Muslim tourists from...
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MIDA Confident Of Luring RM8 Billion Investments
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
JOHOR BAHRU, March 19 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) is confident of attracting RM8 billion in investments this year from foreign companies that will establish their regional operations in Malaysia. Director for Regional Establishment and Supply Chain Management Division, Roeslina Abbas is optimistic of achieving the KPI target, given Malaysia’s strong geographical position in the region and high purchasing power, as well as, its growing national economy. “The total regional operation investment in Malaysia is showing an upward trajectory and we are expecting some positive growth for this year. “Definitely we will gain more than what we have set. In fact, in the first two months of this year, we have secured about RM1 billion worth of projects,” she said after briefing reporters on MIDA’s Regional Establishment and Supply Chain Management here Wednesday. In 2013, the government agency secured RM12.2 billion in regional operation...
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Malaysia To Record Between 5-6 Per Cent Growth In 2014 Total Trade: Mustapa
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 24 (Bernama) — Malaysia is on course to achieve total trade growth of between five-six per cent in 2014, says International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed. He said broad recovery was seen in electrical and electronics exports while the trade surplus had become healthier in the first two months of 2014. “We have done well in the first two months. The performance has exceeded that of the same period last year,” he added. Mustapa was speaking to reporters after the launch of a book by former Deputy Prime Minister Tun Musa Hitam here Monday. The book, 21st Century Economics in the Muslim World, is a compilation of views on current economic issues of special interest to those following developments in the Muslim world. Malaysia’s trade in 2013 expanded by 4.6 per cent to RM1.36 trillion from RM1.309 trillion in 2012, boosted by a better export performance. The trade surplus last year amounted to RM70.63 billion. It was the 16th...
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Mustapa gesa syarikat guna Standard Pengurusan Tenaga
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed menggesa syarikat agar mengguna pakai Standard Pengurusan Tenaga bagi meningkatkan produktiviti. Beliau berkata, kecekapan tenaga yang bertambah baik akan membawa kepada penjimatan kos ketara dan menyumbang kepada kelestarian alam sekitar. Mustapa berkata, Malaysia amat menyedari cabaran yang dihadapi industri dalam menggerakkan matlamat ini termasuk kurang kesedaran tentang teknik kecekapan tenaga dan kekurangan kakitangan industri terlatih. Unido iktiraf 15 syarikat “Organisasi Pembangunan Perindustrian Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (Unido) mengiktiraf 15 syarikat tempatan yang berupaya menyediakan perundingan pengurusan tenaga,” katanya pada sidang media selepas merasmikan Hari Terbuka Kecekapan Tenaga Perindustrian di Kuala Lumpur, semalam. Acara itu dianjurkan oleh Unido secara kerjasama dengan MITI dan Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air. Katanya, dengan sistem pengurusan yang sempurna,...
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Russia Seeks To Build Greater Business Collaboration With Malaysia
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 26 (Bernama) — Russia is seeking to build greater business collaboration with both the government and private sector in Malaysia. Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Alexey Likhachev said the areas of collaboration sought includes transportation, infrastructure development and banking. “Malaysia is well equipped with high technology in research development as well and offers a lot of other business opportunities. “We also hope to see more Malaysian companies coming to Russia and establishing a presence there, even as we look at expanding our own businesses here,” he told the media at the opening of the Russia-Malaysia Business Forum, here Wednesday. The one-day forum, organised by the Asean-Russia Business Council and Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, is aimed at strengthening the economies of both countries, while sustaining growth amid the challenging environment. There are also business matching sessions...
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Eksport negara meningkat 12.3 peratus pada Februari
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
Eksport Malaysia meningkat 12.3 peratus kepada RM58.91 bilion pada Februari tahun ini berbanding bulan yang sama tahun lalu. Import pula meningkat 9.5 peratus kepada RM48.48 bilion, kata Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan pada Jumaat. MITI berkata, negara mencatat peningkatan lebihan dagangan sebanyak 27.2 peratus kepada RM10.44 bilion pada Februari. Pada bulan dikaji juga, jumlah perdagangan Malaysia meningkat 11 peratus kepada RM107.39 bilion berbanding bulan yang sama tahun lalu, didorong pertumbuhan lebih tinggi dalam eksport berbanding import. Perdagangan yang tinggi dicatatkan dengan Singapura meningkat RM2.28 bilion, China (RM1.73 bilion), Jepun (RM1.2 bilion), Arab Saudi (RM919.1 juta), Taiwan (RM793.8 juta), Jerman (RM760.6 juta), Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (RM742.5 juta) dan Amerika Syarikat (RM726.7 juta). Negara ASEAN Eksport ke negara ASEAN meningkat 5.7 peratus kepada RM15.97 bilion, menyumbang 27.1 peratus...
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TUBE Programme Expected To Begin In July
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 (Bernama) — The Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE) programme is expected to begin in July, said SME Corp Malaysia Chief Executive Officer Datuk Habsah Hashim. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Saturday announced the allocation of RM10 million for the programme, which is aimed at helping young Bumiputeras to start a business. Habsah said the programme is still at the discussion stage, and expressed hope that the plans could be finalised soon. TUBE is managed by SME Corp and the International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI), and involves three phases before the participants are given a RM15,000 launching grant. Habsah said the first phase is about character building through physical and mental training, while phase two is a workshop on business fundamentals and the final phase covers business implementation. “We will start the programme when the funds are received and after the completion of discussions with the National Service Training...
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Services Sector To Become Major Contributor To Economy By 2020: Mustapa
June 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, April 10 (Bernama) — The services sector will contribute 60 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2020, making it a major contributor to Malaysia’s economy, said International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed. Currently, the services sector accounts for 55 per cent of the country’s GDP. “We have less than six years to achieve this. We need to do something radical to invigorate the services sector. It has done well, growing faster than other sectors but that is not enough,” he told reporters after Malaysia Services Development Council 1/2014 meeting here Thursday. Also present at the meeting were Pemandu (Performance Management & Delivery Unit) Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Idris Jala and representatives from the various ministries, agencies and services industries association. Mustapa said the council was briefed, among others, on the progress of the services sector liberalisation initiative at the Asean level as well...
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Development International Trade and Industry InvestKL Investents Investment Investments Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia Jakim Jeli Jepun Jom Masuk IPT (KPTN 2015) KELANTAN KSU Karnival Karnival Pendidikan Tinggi Negara Khazanah Nasional Khazanah Nasional Bhd Kulim Hi-Tech Park LIMA LIMA'15 LNG Laporan World Competitiveness Yearbook (WYC) Lawatan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Malaysia Lexus MAI MATRADE MAlaysian Economy MGCC MIDA MITC MITI MITI Deputy Secretary-General MITI Report MITI Weekly Bulletin MITI Weekly Bulletin trade MITI report MITI weekly Bulletin MITI] MNC MOF MPC MTFTA Malaysia Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad Malaysia Automotive Institute Malaysia Economy Malaysia Entrepreneurship Forum 2015 (MEF) Malaysia External Trade Development Corp Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation Malaysia International Halal Showcase Malaysia-China Trade Malaysia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement Malaysian Airlines Bhd Malaysian Economy Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Bhd Malaysian Palm Oil Board Malaysian Report Malaysian Standards Malaysian economy Malaysian pavilion Manufacturing Manufacturing Industry Maybank Media Release Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Microsoft Mid Tier Companies Development Programme Minister of Commerce of China Gao yan Minister of International Trade and Industry Ministry of Finance Ministry of International Trade and Industry Miti Miti Report Miti Weekly Bulletin MyASEAN Internship Programme NAP NAP review National Automotive Policy Nestle Networking OIC OIC-Asia Trade and Economic Forum 2015 Organisation of Islamic Cooperation P Ravindran PEMANDU PEMUDAH PKS PLKN PPD Pameran Maritime dan Aeroangkasa Antarabangsa Langkawi 2015 Parts and Components Pembangunan Industri Halal Sdn Bhd Pengurusan Prestasi dan Pelaksanaan (PEMANDU) Perbadanan Perbadanan Pembangunan Industri Halal Sdn Bhd Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia Performance Management and Delivery Unit Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana Petronas Play Store Policy Perspective Preferential Tariff Rate Program Pembiayaan Usahawan Wanita Program Transformasi Ekonomi Pusat Dagangan Antarabangsa Melaka Pusat Transformaasi Luar Bandar (RTC) Quality R&D RCEP ROO Ranhill Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Road Sectors Royal Vopak Russia SCE SDSI SIRIM SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd SME Bank SME CORP SME Corp SME corp Malaysia SMECorp SMEs SPS STA Sadguru Polymers Pvt Ltd & Triace Solution SapuraCreest Satu Daerah Satu Industri Securities Commision Service Industry Service Sector Service Sectors Service sector Service sectors Services Sector Services sector Shell Shell Malaysia Shell Malaysia Ltd(SML) Shell Refining Company Showcase Groom Big Sime Darby Singapore Corp Enterprise Small and Medium Scale Industries Sri Mustapa Mohamed Strategic Trade Bill Success Story Sunway Sunway Group THE 12th China-Asean Expo TM TOK BALI TPP TPP trade TPPA TTPA TV Show Tariff Elimination Temasek Foundation Tenaga Nasional Bhd's The 21th ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) The Malaysian Investment Development Authority The New Global Context The World Trade Organisation (WTO Toyota Camry Trade Trade Figure Trade Performance Trade Review Trans Pacific Partnership Trans Pacific Partnerships Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement UMW Corporation UMW Holdings Berhad UMW Toyota UNCTAD US Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Untag Usahawan Bumiputera Vehicle End-of-Life Policy Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) WCC WCY WEF WEP WHS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM(WEF) EAST ASIA 2014 AND TRADE & INVEST WTO World Competitive Centre World Competitiveness Center (WCC) World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) World Economic Forum World Halal Conference 2015 World Halal Summit YB Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed ZICOlaw application auto automotive bangladesh bank negara malaysia bilateral relation biojisim biomass business business facilitataion business facilitation cars 15 years cement industry competitiiveness competitive competitiveness competitveness currency e&e economy education electrical electronics emerging market environment eport World Competitiveness Yearbook 2014 export exports felda food manufacturing fore foreign direct investments foreign trade forex free trade agreement green technology gross domestic product healthcare highway hong kong import imports india industries industry interest rates international standards investmen investment investments irAsia iron and steel japan jepun kdnk kelantan liberalisation logistic low carbon malaysia malaysian business manila manufacturing mecc metal sub-sector middle east mihas miti motor vehicles national green technology national timber policy non-Islamic nations non-tariff north africa packaging policy review portland cement proton public service delivery renminbi research and development retails road transport sales showcase small and medium enterprises small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sme sme corp sme corp malaysia sme master plan smi smidec syarikat berstatus multinasional tariff tax incentive textiles the Asociation of Southeast Asian Nations the electrical and electronics the government's 11th Malaysian Plan tnb tourism trade tradisional medicine tube programme usahaw value added visit wood wood-based products world economic forums