MITI mensasarkan seramai 20 pengeksport Bumiputera dilahirkan setiap tahun menerusi program GroomBig. Pada masa ini, seramai 1,040 usahawan GroomBig sedang dibimbing oleh MITI. GroomBig atau Program Peningkatan Kualiti Produk dan Perkhidmatan ini telah diberi nafas baru dengan lebih banyak program peringkat lebih tinggi diatur untuk membantu usahawan yang dikenal pasti memasuki pasaran eksport.
Sebahagian barangan dihasilkan sudah memasuki pasaran luar negara menerusi kerjasama yang dijalinkan bersama beberapa syarikat perdagangan dan pemasaran di seluruh dunia. Antara syarikat rakan perdagangan MITI termasuk yang berada di Filipina, Dubai, Ireland, Vietnam, Kemboja, dan Britain. Melalui kerjasama strategik ini, barangan usahawan yang dibimbing melalui program GroomBig ini mampu menembusi pasaran negara berkenaan.
Usahawan-usahawan GroomBig akan diberi pendedahan dari segi kemudahan khidmat nasihat, kursus dan khidmat rundingan perniagaan dalam pelbagai...
Read MoreTag Archives: exports
June 26, 2015 , by admin2
Malaysian companies are fast making inroads into the Laotian market for goods, services and investment as they take advantage of the country’s strong economic performance and policy reforms.
The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and an agreement during the official visit of Y.A.B Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak to Lao PDR from 1-3 June 2010 testified to this progress. The MoU was for the construction of the 240MW Don Sahong hydropower project in Champassak province, while the agreement was for the development of a piece of land in Savan-Seno special economic zone, which is operated by a Malaysian company.
Total trade between Malaysia and Lao PDR in 2009 was US$6.8 million (RM24.5 million). Malaysia’s imports included metal and timber products while exports included chemical products, textiles and electrical and electronic goods. While trade flow is still small, Malaysian investments in Lao PDR is on the increase. Malaysia is one of the leading... Read More
June 26, 2015 , by admin2
MITI dengan kerjasama Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan akan menganjurkan program Showcase SDSI 2010 Peringkat Zon Tengah seperti berikut:
Tarikh : 26 – 27 Jun 2010 (Sabtu - Ahad)
Tempat : Kompleks Belia dan Sukan, Paroi, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Masa : 10.00 pagi - 10.00 malam
Showcase SDSI yang mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 2006 merupakan pameran tahunan terbesar di peringkat nasional yang menghimpunkan produk/perkhidmatan SDSI dari seluruh Malaysia dalam usaha untuk memasar dan mempromosikan keluaran SDSI. Penganjuran Showcase SDSI kini diperluaskan ke peringkat zon mulai tahun 2010. Objektif program adalah untuk:
Membantu dan memudahkan pemasaran produk/perkhidmatan usahawan yang berkualiti;
Meningkatkan imej produk/perkhidmatan tempatan, khususnya SDSI;
Memberi pendedahan kepada umum bahawa keluaran SDSI adalah berpotensi dan berkualiti;
Mewujudkan dan memperluaskan rantaian perniagaan dan networking di antara usahawan dengan pembeli...
Read MoreJune 26, 2015 , by admin2
Kindly take note that the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) will come to Malaysia for inspection mission on 19-30 July 2010 to ascertain compliance of aquaculture fishery products with USFDA requirements by Malaysian exporters to the United States (US) market. The purpose of the mission is to better understand and evaluate antibiotics and chemicals application regulatory system in aquaculture production in Malaysia, and the food safety controls that Malaysia has in place to ensure that fishery products exported to the US market are safe for human consumption.
The mission will involve the inspection of facilities along the entire aquaculture fishery product supply chain for the US market which include the fishery processing establishments, aquaculture farms, traders/middlemen, retail and wholesale suppliers of veterinary drugs and feed used in the farms.
All exporters of aquaculture fishery products to the US need to ensure compliance with the USFDA requirements...
Read MoreJune 26, 2015 , by admin2
YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia officiated the International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) 2010 on 23 June at MATRADE in Kuala Lumpur. More than 1,000 delegates including foreign dignitaries, trade buyers, exhibitors, trade association representatives and international visitors attended the opening ceremony. In his speech, the Prime Minister announced the launch of two new halal standards, namely, Standards on Halal Cosmetics, MS 2200:2008; and Standards on Halal logistics, MS 2400:2010, which marked another milestone for Malaysia in the development of halal benchmarking.
Earlier during the ceremony, YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry gave the opening remarks. He noted that the composition of products exhibited in MIHAS has developed over the years, branching out from mainly food to cosmetics; toiletries; pharmaceuticals; food packaging and machinery; logistics;...
Read MoreJune 26, 2015 , by admin2
MITI dengan kerjasama Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak akan menganjurkan program Showcase SDSI 2010 Peringkat Zon Sarawak seperti berikut:
2-4 Julai 2010 (Jumaat - Ahad)
Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN)
Lama, Petra Jaya, KuchingMasa
10.00 pagi - 10.00 malam
Perasmian Disempurnakan oleh
YAB Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud
Ketua Menteri Sarawak
2 Julai 2010 (Jumaat), 3.00 pm
Pengisian program adalah berdasarkan konsep penganjuran Showcase SDSI peringkat nasional iaitu:
Pameran dan jualan (lebih 100 booth usahawan dari Sarawak);
Seminar keusahawanan;
Bicara tokoh oleh usahawan berjaya;
Business matching;
Khidmat nasihat dan perundingan perniagaan secara percuma;
Promosi dan jualan makanan popular dari setiap Bahagian di negeri Sarawak– Menu Malaysia;
Pelbagai aktiviti menarik seperti persembahan kebudayaan, peragaan fesyen, cabutan bertuah, demonstrasi masakan, pertandingan karaoke dan banyak...
Read MoreJune 26, 2015 , by admin2
Highlights of the MITI Weekly Bulletin, Vol. 108 include:
Investments in Manufacturing and Manufacturing-related Services (January - June 2010)
From January to June 2010, a total of 455 projects were approved with investments amounting to RM13.2 billion. Foreign investments were RM7.5 billion (56.8%) while domestic investments were RM5.7 billion (43.2%). A total of 270 projects were new projects with RM7.2 billion (54.5%) investments. Main areas of investment ….
Standards on Supplying Furniture To The UK
Malaysian exporters wishing to supply furniture products to government agencies in the UK must adhere to the UK Government Buying Standards on Furniture. The Standard emphasises on the sourcing of furniture that utilises materials with low environmental impact and from sustainable sources.
UK Deregulates Import of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Beginning 20 July 2010, the UK Government has de-regulated its import control on fruits and vegetables from non-EU sources which...
Read MoreJune 25, 2015 , by admin2
Highlights of the MITI Weekly Bulletin, Vol. 117 include:
Analysis of Malaysia’s Performance in the World Bank Doing Business Report 2011
Malaysia’s ranking in the World Bank Doing Business Report 2011 moved up two ranks to 21st position from 23rd in 2010. The number of countries covered by the survey was 183 - the same as in the 2010 report. The 2011 Report noted the initiatives that Malaysia put in place in the past year to enhance its business environment. Malaysia improved in five out of the nine indicators and maintained its rankings in four indicators.
AFTA Update : Thailand’s Legal Enactment to Abolish Quota for Tea, Coffee and Milk
Thailand has eliminated the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) on imports of tea, coffee and milk effective 16 August 2010. ASEAN Member States, including Malaysia can now export these products to Thailand without any quantitative limits and import duties.
List of Authorised Food Additives in Europe - Updates on EU Directive 2008/84/EC
Read MoreJune 25, 2015 , by admin2
This week’s MWB shares the success story of Noraini Cookies – a Malaysian brand that has gone global.Starting off as a traditional kuih supplier for a 5-star hotel in the 1980s, today, Noraini Cookies Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. produces a wide range of cookies from chocolate chips, cornflakes and raisins, oats and walnuts, ginger and almonds to jackfruit. It has two distinctive brand of cookies - the festival cookies “Noraini’s Cookies” and the all season cookies “Good Kiss”.
So, what are some of the ingredients for their success? The founder, Pn. Hjh. Noraini Hj. Ahmad, attributes her achievements to strong family support and the three basic principles she holds on to: negotiating skills, managing capital and marketing strategy. Heading the Research & Development unit herself, the founder is also a firm believer in continuous improvement and is in constant search for breakthrough ideas to improvise her recipes. The company is also committed in ensuring the quality of...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
The Institute for Management Development (IMD), based in Lausanne, Switzerland, issued its World Competitiveness Yearbook 2011 Report (WCY2011) yesterday, reporting that Malaysia’s ranking among 59 economies has declined from 10thposition in 2010 to 16th position this year.
The Malaysian Government has embarked on a number of initiatives to enhance competitiveness. The Government Transformation Programme (GTP) has addressed fundamental nationwide changes through 6 national key result areas (NKRAs) (Reducing Crime, Fighting Corruption, Improving Student Outcomes, Raising Living Standards of Low-Income Households, Improving Rural basic Infrastructure, Improving Urban Public Transport). Subsequent to that in October 2010, the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) has prioritized 11 sectors of National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) and the Greater KL Project. The ETP has identified a total of 131 Entry Point Projects (EPP) with a total investment value of RM794.5 billion as part of...
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