TOKYO 2 Julai - Malaysia mempelawa syarikat-syarikat Jepun untuk melabur dalam sektor teknologi hijau di negara ini ekoran penyediaan insentif kerajaan kepada pihak yang terlibat.
Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed berkata, Malaysia masih baharu dalam sektor berkenaan berbanding Jepun, Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Eropah yang telah lama terbabit dalam industri tersebut.
”Kita mempelawa syarikat-syarikat Jepun untuk melabur dalam bidang teknologi hijau ini kerana banyak peluang pelaburan menerusinya.
”Malah, kita turut menyediakan insentif kepada syarikat-syarikat yang berminat dalam bidang tersebut,” katanya di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian semasa menjawab satu soalan yang diajukan oleh peserta Seminar Peluang Perniagaan di Malaysia di sini.
Seminar bersempena misi perdagangan Malaysia ke Jepun itu mendapat sambutan hangat apabila disertai kira-kira 1,000 peserta yang terdiri daripada ahli-ahli perniagaan Jepun.
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June 19, 2015 , by admin2
SINGAPORE, June 3 (Bernama) — The next round of negotiations on the EU-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is expected to resume in the fourth quarter, says Ambassador & Head of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia, Luc Vandebon.
He said both sides are working to resume the process as soon as possible.
“Recently an informal video conference was held between my colleagues in Brussels and the Ministry of International Trade & Industry where both sides reaffirmed their interest to further discuss and negotiate on the proposed FTA.
“After such a long break, the EU and Malaysia need to compare notes and take stock on the various issues, to verify if we are in sight of each other. If this “stock taking” process goes well, as I think and hope, then we will be in a position to resume the negotiations, maybe in autumn,” he said in response to Bernama in an email interview.
The Technical Working Groups of the negotiating teams met in Kuala Lumpur last...
Read MoreJune 19, 2015 , by admin2
SINGAPURA 10 Julai - Pelaburan bersama antara syarikat-syarikat akan meningkatkan lagi penyepaduan ekonomi dalam ASEAN, kata Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed (gambar).
Dalam konteks mencapai Komuniti Ekonomi ASEAN, kata beliau, sudah ada banyak kemajuan yang dilihat, termasuk dalam perdagangan, piawaian, pengangkutan dan saling hubung.
“Dalam pelaburan, ia tidak begitu jelas, tidak terlalu ketara tetapi memang ada banyak pelaburan, bukan hanya Malaysia dan Singapura; kita perlu lakukan lebih lagi (dengan negara-negara lain) termasuk Indonesia, Thailand dan Vietnam,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menemui enam syarikat yang melabur dalam Iskandar Malaysia.
Sebelum itu, Mustapa, yang berada di sini untuk meneruskan perbincangan dengan komuniti perniagaan Singapura, juga mengadakan pertemuan waktu makan tengah hari dengan Dewan Perniagaan dan Industri Cina Singapura semalam.
Menteri itu menegaskan bahawa sudah ada beberapa usaha sama...
Read MoreJune 18, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 (Bernama) — In a move to promote Malaysian services, 30 companies with 56 representatives under five clusters will be participating at the inaugural Malaysia Services Exhibition (MSE) 2013 in Kazan, Tatarstan this month.
The three-day event from Oct 3, organised by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade), is held in conjunction with the Euro-Asia Expo 2013, the largest international trade fair in Russia.
In a statement Tuesday, Matrade said the participants under the franchise, construction and related services, logistics and freight forwarding, education and business services clusters, will showcase the expertise and capabilities of Malaysian services companies.
“For example, exhibitors will promote the cafe business, hair salon, Islamic pawn broking, and childhood education, under the franchise cluster, while for the construction cluster, there will be urban planning, engineering and lighting, and waterproofing systems services,”...
Read MoreJune 18, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR: The International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) and its agency, the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida), are negotiating potential investments worth RM44bil for 466 projects in manufacturing and manufacturing-related services.
Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said that the projects included chemicals and chemical products, electrical and electronics, metal and metal alloy, as well as manufacturing-related services.
“Malaysia remains a competitive investment location and continues to attract manufacturing projects with significant level of investments,” he said in a statement.
Mustapa said despite intense global and regional competition for foreign direct investments (FDIs), Malaysia continued to attract multinational corporations and large companies to establish their regional and global operations in the country.
He said this was reflected by the total 428 manufacturing projects with investments of RM28.3bil approved between January...
Read MoreJune 17, 2015 , by admin2
SINGAPORE, Feb 12 (Bernama) — As Malaysia gears towards becoming an aerospace hub in the region, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) is taking relentless efforts to promote the country’s industry players expand their markets overseas, a senior official said.
Md Silmi Abdul Rahman, MATRADE Director (Transport, Logistics, Machinery, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO)/Europe, Trade and Services Promotion Division) said the aerospace industry is a new industry under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) mooted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
“As such, we are looking towards a higher value industry to move forward. Aerospace is one of the 13 sub-sectors of the industry,” he told BERNAMA when met at the Singapore Airshow being held at the Changi Exhibition Centre.
He said MATRADE has been tasked to undertake the promotion drive of this industry to look for new overseas markets for Malaysian players.
“All this while most of the...
Read MoreJune 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUCHING 4 Mac - Johor merupakan destinasi pilihan utama pelabur di negara ini apabila mencatatkan nilai pelaburan berjumlah RM14.4 bilion dalam sektor pembuatan mengatasi Selangor, Sarawak dan Pulau Pinang pada tahun lalu.
Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Ir. Hamim Samuri berkata, Selangor berada di tangga kedua dengan hasil pelaburan sebanyak RM9.8 bilion, diikuti Sarawak (RM8.27 bilion) dan Pulau Pinang (RM3.9 bilion).
Katanya, daripada keempat-empat negeri itu, Sarawak mencatat hasil pelaburan hampir mencecah dua kali ganda berbanding tahun sebelumnya iaitu sebanyak RM4.72 bilion.
Menurutnya, jumlah itu menunjukkan pengusaha dan penggiat aktiviti perniagaan pelbagai peringkat di Sarawak mempunyai keyakinan dalam menarik pelabur asing dan domestik terhadap prestasi ekonomi negeri itu.
“Saya juga percaya komitmen kerajaan negeri dalam mewujudkan suasana kondusif dan mesra pelabur ternyata berjaya menarik pelabur untuk menanam modal di Sarawak,”...
Read MoreJune 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 17 (Bernama) — Malaysian companies achieved RM52.75 million sales at the FOODEX Japan Trade Fair held in Makuhari Messe in Chiba, the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) said Monday.
Matrade said confectionery products contributed 38.14 per cent of the total sales, followed by beverages products (30.13 per cent) and food ingredients (14.26 per cent).
Malaysia’s national pavilion, comprising 24 Malaysian companies, received 1,790 trade enquiries from importers, distributors and procurement centres from Japan, China and South Korea throughout the four-day fair from March 4, the national trade promotion agency said in a statement.
Matrade Tokyo Trade Commissioner Kua Kiat Chye said Malaysian food and beverages products are widely accepted in Japan due to its assurance on standard and quality.
He said Malaysian companies should also consider opportunities in Japan’s hospitality sector to meet the growing demand of Muslim tourists from...
Read MoreJune 17, 2015 , by admin2
JOHOR BAHRU, March 19 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) is confident of attracting RM8 billion in investments this year from foreign companies that will establish their regional operations in Malaysia.
Director for Regional Establishment and Supply Chain Management Division, Roeslina Abbas is optimistic of achieving the KPI target, given Malaysia’s strong geographical position in the region and high purchasing power, as well as, its growing national economy.
“The total regional operation investment in Malaysia is showing an upward trajectory and we are expecting some positive growth for this year.
“Definitely we will gain more than what we have set. In fact, in the first two months of this year, we have secured about RM1 billion worth of projects,” she said after briefing reporters on MIDA’s Regional Establishment and Supply Chain Management here Wednesday.
In 2013, the government agency secured RM12.2 billion in regional operation...
Read MoreJune 17, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 24 (Bernama) — Malaysia is on course to achieve total trade growth of between five-six per cent in 2014, says International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
He said broad recovery was seen in electrical and electronics exports while the trade surplus had become healthier in the first two months of 2014.
“We have done well in the first two months. The performance has exceeded that of the same period last year,” he added.
Mustapa was speaking to reporters after the launch of a book by former Deputy Prime Minister Tun Musa Hitam here Monday.
The book, 21st Century Economics in the Muslim World, is a compilation of views on current economic issues of special interest to those following developments in the Muslim world.
Malaysia’s trade in 2013 expanded by 4.6 per cent to RM1.36 trillion from RM1.309 trillion in 2012, boosted by a better export performance.
The trade surplus last year amounted to RM70.63 billion. It was the 16th...
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