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Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3)






Year : 2006
Price : RM 135.00
Versions : English and Bahasa Malaysia
Available at : 
   Finance Unit 
   Level 13, Block 10, MITI 
   Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim, 
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Malaysia - Towards Global Competitiveness.


To achieve long-term global competitiveness through transformation and innovation of the manufacturing and services sectors.


  • Covers manufacturing sector, including agro-based industries, and non-Government services sector.
  • 12 industries in the manufacturing sector have been targeted for further development and promotion. Among them, six are non-resource based and the rest are resource based industries:

    Non-resource based: 
    • electrical and electronics;
    • medical devices;
    • textiles and apparel;
    • machinery and equipment;
    • metals; and
    • transport equipment

    Resource based:

    • petrochemicals;
    • pharmaceuticals;
    • wood-based;
    • rubber-based;
    • oil palm-based; and
    • food processing.
  • Eight non-Government services sub-sectors have been targeted for greater development and promotion:
    • business and professional services;
    • distributive trade;
    • construction;
    • education and training;
    • healthcare services;
    • tourism services;
    • services; and
    • logistics.
  • Identification of targeted industries and services based on their potential in growth and exports.


  • Manufacturing Sector
    • to grow at 5.6 per cent annually and contribute 28.5 per cent to gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020; and
    • total investments of RM412.2 billion (RM27.5 billion annually).
  • Non-Government Services
    • to grow at 7.5 per cent annually and contribute 59.7 per cent to GDP in 2020; and
    • total investments of RM687.7 billion (RM45.8 billion annually).
  • External Trade
    • exports to increase to RM1.4 trillion in 2020; and
    • total trade to increase to RM2.8 trillion.
  • Productivity
    • total factor productivity (TFP) to grow at 2.6 per cent annually; and
    • contribute 41.4 per cent to GDP during the IMP3 period.


  1. Enhancing Malaysia 's position as a major trading nation:
    • intensifying exports of targeted growth areas;
    • developing and promoting Malaysian brands;
    • enhancing exports through compliance with international standards; and
    • nurturing domestic companies, including GLCs and SMEs, to become globally competitive.
  2. Generating investments in the targeted growth areas:
    • promoting investments and exports of products and services with growth potential;
    • facilitating capable domestic companies, including GLCs, to expand into potential growth areas;
    • establishing fully equipped specialised high technology parks;
    • encouraging multinational corporations (MNCs) to establish and expand operations in Malaysia ; and
    • providing a more conducive investment environment.
  3. Integrating Malaysian companies into regional and global networks
    • encouraging industries to focus on core competencies and strengths within regional and global networks;
    • undertaking outsourcing, off-shoring and other forms of business practices; and
    • developing Malaysia as a regional hub for selected products and serviceshalal , biotechnology and automotive.
  4. Ensuring industrial growth contributes towards equitable distribution and more balanced regional development
    1. Equitable Distribution
      • promoting Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community (BCIC) through new sources of growth in manufacturing and services sectors and outward investments;
      • enhancing the development of Bumiputera human capital; and
      • enhancing the growth and increasing ownership of BCIC through the development of SMEs.
    2. Balanced Regional Development
      • promoting more balanced industrial development in lesser developed states; and
      • encouraging integrated logistics industry.
  5. Sustaining the contribution of the manufacturing sector to growth:
    • accelerating the shift towards higher value-added products and activities and high technology and capital-intensive activities;
    • encouraging the development and promotion of 12 targeted industries; and
    • facilitating the development of domestic and regional clusters.


  6. Positioning the services sector as a major source of growth:
    • strengthening the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector;
    • enhancing the development and promotion of 8 targeted services sub-sectors;
    • developing regional centres for education, distribution, health and tourism services;
    • creating greater links with manufacturing; and
    • undertaking progressive liberalisation.
  7. Facilitating the development and application of knowledge-intensive technologies
    • fostering collaborations among Government research institutes, institutions of higher learning, science and technology parks and industries;
    • promoting research-based industrial cluster development; and
    • promoting the greater utilisation of ICT and other technologies along the value chain.
  8. Developing innovative and creative human capital:
    • matching the supply of talents and expertise with market requirements;
    • increasing the supply of technically skilled, knowledgeable and ICT-trained workforce;
    • encouraging collaboration between training institutes and industry to optimise the utilisation of resources and facilities; and
    • creating a critical mass of local experts in scientific and engineering fields to meet R&D requirements.
  9. Strengthening the role of private sector institutions:
    • encouraging companies to become members of trade and industry associations;
    • encouraging the establishment of Malaysian trade and industry associations overseas; and
    • facilitating private sector institutions to undertake capacity building and trade and investment promotion, and providing common-user facilities for members.
  10. Creating a more competitive business operating environment:
    • ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery system;
    • reviewing rules and regulations to facilitate the growth and expansion of existing and potential industries and services;
    • ensuring greater transparency of policies, rules and regulations; and
    • implementing a efficient paperless trade facilitation system.







Apart from 10 overall strategic thrusts, IMP3 contains strategic thrusts and policy measures for specific areas:

  • External trade;
  • Investments;
  • Development of SMEs;
  • Branding;
  • Growth areas in the manufacturing sector;
  • Growth areas in the services sector;
  • Development of the halal industry;
  • Enhancing domestic capabilities;
  • Human resource requirements;
  • ICT and other technology developments; and
  • Logistics.



Last Updated 2015-07-14 08:40:57 by Azuna Hasbullah atau Abd Rahman

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