- Gross Domestic Product
- Trade in Goods
- Trade in Services
- Approved Investment (MIDA)
- Realised Investment (DOSM)
- Manufacturing
- Indexes
- Preferential Certificates of Origin
- Commodities Price
Sector Contribution
By States
Trade Performance
Domestic Exports & Re-Exports
Imports by End Use
Major Export by Sectors
Major Import by Sectors
Major Export Destinations
Major Import Sources
Trade by FTA Countries
Trade by States
Trade in Services
Exports by Sector
Imports by Sector
Trade by Major Countries
Approved Manufacturing Projects
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Direct Investment Abroad (DIA)
FDI by Sector
DIA by Sector
FDI by Selected Countries
DIA by Selected Countries
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Producer Price Index (PPI)
Industrial Production Index (IPI)
Trade Export Index
Trade Import Index
No. of Certificate
Total of FOB (Rm mil.)