The Malaysian economy registered a GDP growth of 4.7 per cent in the third quarter of 2015 (Q3 2015), driven by capital spending in the manufacturing and services sectors.
International Trade and Industry Minister Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed, in responding to the announcement by Bank Negara Malaysia, noted that both Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and Domestic Direct Investments (DDI) helped sustain Malaysia's economic momentum.
"At a time of global economic uncertainties, Malaysia's growth pattern demonstrates that we remain a preferred investment destination. The latest statistics re-affirm the confidence of both foreign and domestic investors in Malaysia’s economic fundamentals," Dato' Sri Mustapa said.
The leading sources of foreign investments for the first nine months of 2015 were Hong Kong, Japan, USA, Singapore and China. These five countries jointly accounted for 70.3% of total foreign investments approved in the manufacturing sector for January - September 2015.
For the first nine months of this year, Malaysia’s realised private investments (measured in terms of Gross Fixed Capital Formation -- GFCF -- in current prices) amounted to RM159.4 billion, 8.4% higher than the RM147.0 billion recorded in the same period in 2014. With this performance, Malaysia is well positioned to reach the average of RM162 billion per annum estimated for the 10th Malaysian Plan period.
During the period of January-September 2015, net FDI flows into Malaysia rose by more than 5.8% to RM27 billion as compared with RM25.6 billion in the corresponding period last year. "This increase comes despite reduced FDI flows globally. It shows that Malaysia is attracting a higher share of net global FDI," Dato' Sri Mustapa said.
The manufacturing sector received the largest amount of FDI in January-September 2015 at RM11.2 billion, or 41.4% of total FDI. Other major contributing sectors were the mining & quarrying sector at RM10.8 billion (39.8%), and services sector (RM4.4 billion or 16.4%).
The Minister said that for the first nine months of 2015, a total of RM77.5 billion worth of investments was recorded for the manufacturing and its related services sectors. "Domestic investors made up almost 70% of the total investments approved during this period, with foreign sources contributing the rest," he noted.
In the manufacturing sector, a total of 522 projects with investments of RM67.7 billion were approved in January – September 2015. The amount was RM4.4 billion higher than the investments recorded in the same period last year. The top five industries in terms of investments were petroleum products (including petrochemicals), which accounted for RM25.4 billion, liquefied natural gas (RM10.4 billion), electrical and electronic products (RM6.4 billion), transport equipment (RM5.9 billion) and non-metallic mineral (RM3.6 billion).
Dato' Sri Mustapa said Johor, Sarawak, Malacca, Selangor and Penang were the highest recipients of approved investments with 400 (76.6%) projects located in these states, accounting for RM59.9 billion (88.5%) of the total approved investments. Johor registered the highest level of investments with RM30 billion, followed by Sarawak (RM11.8 billion), Malacca (RM6.8 billion), Selangor (RM5.9 billion) and Penang (RM5.4 billion).
"The approved manufacturing projects in the first nine months helped create more than 50,000 job opportunities, with almost 34% of those at the high-skilled levels," he noted.
As at September 2015, there are 140 proposals for manufacturing projects and 87 proposals for services projects in the pipeline, the Minister added. "The total investments of these projects are estimated at RM14.2 billion. MITI and its agencies, especially MIDA, will strive hard to secure these projects," he said.
Dato' Sri Mustapa, in welcoming the strong performance by domestic investors, stressed that MITI and MIDA will continue to accelerate efforts in attracting high-value investments from foreign sources, particularly in emerging technologies.
"We have shifted our focus in promoting Malaysia to international investors. In line with our pursuit to become a high-income nation by 2020, we recognise that investments which venture into resource extraction or are based on providing cheap labour are no longer in tandem with the shift needed in our economy.
Last Updated 2015-11-16 07:30:23 by Azuna Hasbullah atau Abd Rahman