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Media Release : Formation Of The National And Consultative Committees For The Implementation Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)

Following the signing of the TPPA on 4 February 2016, Malaysia as well as other 11 member countries, are currently completing domestic procedures to ratify the agreement.

For Malaysia, several laws will be amended, especially concerning three main areas namely rules of origin, intellectual property rights and labour that will ensure our country is in the position to meet the obligations stipulated under the TPPA.

I would like to announce that we will be forming a National Committee tasked with monitoring, facilitating and overseeing the overall implementation of the TPPA. This committee will consist of representatives from the ministries and government agencies involved with the trade agreement.

The National Committee and subsidiary bodies to be established will mirror the set-up of the TPP Joint Commission and subcommittees under the trade agreement.

I will continue to engage with members of Parliament in facilitating and monitoring the implementation of the TPPA.

At the same time, our engagement with the local stakeholders will continue throughout the entire period before ratification. As part of our efforts to ensure that the engagement will continue during the implementation period, a separate Consultative Committee will also be formed.

This committee will be made up of representatives from industry players, business chambers, small and medium enterprises, non-governmental organisations and various other local stakeholders. The role of this Consultative Committee will be crucial in gathering feedback and assessing the impact of the TPPA implementation from time to time.

The Government remains committed in ensuring that Malaysia will be able to fully take advantage of the opportunities and mitigate the challenges that the TPPA will bring. It is our hope that the formation of these National and Consultative Committees will assist us in achieving such objectives


Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
15 March 2016


About MITI :
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry was established in April 1956 then was renamed as The Ministry of Trade and Industry in February 1972. On 27 October 1990, the Ministry was separated into two Ministries which are; Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDN).
MITI is the key driver in making Malaysia the preferred destination for quality investments and enhancing the nation's rising status as a globally competitive trading nation. Its objectives and roles are oriented towards ensuring Malaysia’s rapid economic development and help achieve the country's stated goal of becoming a developed nation by 2020.


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Last Updated 2016-03-15 13:27:13 by Azuna Hasbullah atau Abd Rahman

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