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Media Release : Ecommerce Day And The Second National Ecommerce Council (NeCC) Meeting, 10 June 2016

1. The inaugural eCommerce Day organised today by MITI, in collaboration with MDEC, marks another milestone in the Government’s efforts towards driving the national eCommerce agenda in the era of borderless trading of goods and services. The main objective is to reach out and educate the public and local business community, particularly SMEs, on the national eCommerce agenda.

2. Salient key events throughout the day include the soft launch of the National eCommerce Strategic Roadmap as well as MITI’s eCommerce Weblink that will provide overview on the eCommerce ecosystem in Malaysia as well as updates on eCommerce events organised by various Ministries and agencies throughout the year. The day also featured presentations by experts from AT Kearney, MATRADE and SME Corp on various eCommerce related topics, including promoting cross-border eCommerce as well as increasing SMEs involvement in eCommerce.

3. Speaking at the Opening Ceremony of the eCommerce Day, the International Trade and Industry Minister YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamedstressed that the growth of eCommerce was vital to Malaysia’s economic future. "The Government is committed to increase the adoption of eCommerce in the country. The 11th Malaysia Plan (RMK11) for example has set the eCommerce GDP contribution at 6.4% (RM114 billion) by 2020" he said. Currently, Malaysia’s eCommerce GDP contribution stands at 5.8%. In terms of eCommerce contribution to GDP, we are still behind compared to other countries such as China (21% of GDP) and the US (35% of GDP).

4. eCommerce is growing rapidly in Malaysia as more people are getting connected to the internet and it has become extremely important in Malaysia’s digital economy agenda. The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Yasmin Mahmood highlighted that MDEC is constantly engaging with industry partners and relevant Government agencies to fully maximise eCommerce market potential in line with Malaysia’s targets to double the eCommerce annual growth rate from 10.8% in 2016 to 20.8% in 2020 as well as to position ourselves as the leading hub for eCommerce in the ASEAN region.

5. The eCommerce Day was attended by more than 500 participants from various eCommerce segments, including eMarketplaces (such as 11street and Lazada); payment solutions (such as MOLPAY and IPay88); logistic providers (such as Pos Malaysia and DHL); solution providers (such as Webshaper and Sitegiant); Chambers of Commerce and associations; and online sellers including SMEs.

6. The eCommerce Day also witnessed the exchange of two (2) MoUs between MATRADE and 11street and MATRADE and DagangHalal for collaboration initiatives on eCommerce. The MoUs will provide an avenue for Malaysian exporters to leverage on the training offered and to have the opportunity to be listed on these online marketplaces. This collaboration will also foster the growth of online sellers consistent with the government’s initiative to increase the adoption of ecommerce among Malaysian SMEs including halal exporters. This adds to the list of global e-marketplaces already in collaboration with MATRADE namely Alibaba, TradeIndia, eBay and Amazon as well as those for the China market such as and through JinBaoMen (M) Sdn Bhd.

7. YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed also chaired the Second National eCommerce Council (NeCC) meeting held at the sideline of the eCommerce Day. This meeting brings together major players involved in the development of eCommerce sector from the public and private sector, including Ministry of Finance, Bank Negara, Customs, MDEC, MCMC, Ministry of Domestic Trade, Department of Statistics, Pos Malaysia, MITI, MATRADE, SME Corp, and eCommerce organisations and industry players, such as, Persatuan Usahawan Internet Malaysia (PUIM), The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM), MOLPay and 11street. 

8. The NeCC discussed among others the key deliverables of the National eCommerce Stategic Roadmap. Six (6) Strategic Thrust Areas have been outlined under this Roadmap, namely:

  1. Accelerate seller adoption of eCommerce;
  2. Promote national brand to boost cross-border eCommerce;
  3. Make strategic investments in selected eCommerce players;
  4. Provide economic incentives (fiscal, grants and subsidies);
  5. Lift non-tariff barriers; and
  6. Increase adoption of eProcurement by businesses.

9. The Council also discussed Pos Malaysia’s strategic plan with an ultimate goal to strategise the Group’s ambition to tap the potential arising from eCommerce.

10. Moving forward, the NeCC will continue to be an important platform in fostering collaboration amongst all parties involved in this sector. Their insights will be crucial towards our focused effort in driving the development of Malaysia’s eCommerce sector.


10 June 2016

Last Updated 2016-12-19 12:32:59 by

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