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A new division established on 1 April 2015 as one of the outcomes of MITI’s transformation programme.
The main functions of the Division are:
to coordinate and organise Anugerah Kecemerlangan Industri (AKI);
to coordinate and organize Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Bersama Penyelarasan Industri (JBI);
to coordinate and organize MITI Dialogue with national associations and chambers of commerce;
to coordinate and organize MITI Day;
to be the focal point for outreach activities in MITI;
to disseminate information and provide clear explanation on current issues or policies to various stakeholders through mass media; and
- to facilitate and coordinate the organisation of seminars, dialogues, workshops, visits, forum, talks, exhibitions and other related activities for stakeholders.
Anugerah Kecemerlangan Industri (AKI)
To recognise outstanding Malaysian companies and to encourage continuous improvement in products and services rendered.
Assessment and evaluation criteria are based on 7 criteria in Business Excellence Framework (BEF) applied by many countries (US, Australia, Singapore, etc.).
AKI to be held biennially
The highest award is the Prime Minister’s Award.
Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Bersama Penyelarasan Industri (JBI)
To discuss and coordinate industrial development related issues with selected state government.
A twice yearly affair, co-chaired by MITI Minister/Deputy Minister and YAB Menteri Besar/ Chief Minister of the selected state.
The outcomes will be reported to the Cabinet.
MITI Dialogue
A platform for national trade associations/chambers of commerce to raise any issues/suggestions related to various industries to the Government.
An annual event chaired by MITI Minister with participation from various government agencies.
The outcomes will be reported to the Cabinet.
Malaysia Industry, Trade & Investment (MITI) Day.
An open day concept to increase awareness of MITI’s roles and its impact to society and to disseminate essential information on new/relevant policies, FTAs and guidelines.
A concerted effort and collaboration across MITI.
One of the major events held quarterly by region.
Last Updated 2021-12-08 14:27:35 by Azuna Hasbullah atau Abd Rahman