- New developments from X70 CKD output, The Star Malaysia (www.thestar.com.my), Dec 14, 2019
- Darell: NAP to be unveiled early next year, Malaysian Reserve (themalaysianreserve.com), Dec 16, 2019
- APEC 2020 pentas terbaik PKS raih kemakmuran bersama, Berita Harian, Dec 14, 2019
- M`sia keen to benefit from mutual collaborations with China [Borneo Post (KK), October 08, 2019]
Malaysia akan memanfaatkan usaha sama dengan China dalam sektor teknologi [Bernama.com (www.bernama.com), October 08, 2019]
Negara ASEAN digesa tumpu pertumbuhan produktiviti [Berita Harian (www.bharian.com.my), October 07, 2019]
- MITI dapat RM877.8 juta pacu perdagangan, pelaburan [Berita Harian (www.bharian.com.my), October 12, 2019]
- Ministry pushes for industry`s increased Al and tech adoption [The Star, Nov 12, 2019]
Last Updated 2019-12-19 15:37:28 by Ananda Raj al Punjawaley