Related link : Staff Directory
To prepare and manage the Annual Operating Budget application of the Ministries and agencies to Ministry of Finance (MOF) .
To monitor the Ministry and agencies operating expenditure expenses.
To review and approve air warrants/corporate credit cards for official domestic and international travel.
To coordinate applications for KWADAB allocations, Trade & Industry Promotion Trust Fund as well as trust account management.
To coordinate development programme/project applications from divisions and agencies for the Ministry's Five-Year Malaysia Plan.
To coordinate Notice of Change (NOC) applications, allocation transfers, ceiling amendments, development allocation journal vouchers for MITI and Agencies.
To monitor the implementation of the Ministry's development projects/programmes;
To prepare the outcome/ inspectorate evaluation reports for projects/programmes under MITI, on a regular basis.
To supervise and monitor the implementation of public/private/privatization projects at MITI.
To manage and supervise the Ministry’s procurement process (direct purchase / quotation / tender / consultant).
To manage and supervise the applications for direct negotiation/special exemption procurement to Ministry of Finance (MOF).
To prepare and coordinate the payroll of MITI officials, officers and staffs.
To manage the payment of Government’s local orders, Ministry’s contract bills, domestic/foreign travel claims, overtime allowance, warm clothing allowance and other allowances;
To manage and review payments made in Bulk.
To manage the Ministry’s revenue collection and revenue refunds.
To monitor and supervise the management of Ministry’s assets, immovable assets and store.
To ensure the Asset Monitoring Management System (SPPA) is updated.
Responsible for below meetings:
Jawatankuasa Tindakan Pembangunan Kementerian (MTPK) – 12 kali setahun;
Jawatankuasa Penilaian Outcome;
Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Kewangan dan Akaun (JPKA);
Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset Alih (JKPAK);
Jawatankuasa Kumpulan Wang Amanah Dana Automotif Bumiputera (KWADAB);
Jawatankuasa Akaun Amanah Aktiviti Penggalakan Perdagangan & Perindustrian (AAAPPP).