The Minister of International Trade and Industry, Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed will be leading a Trade and Investment Mission to Seoul and Busan, Republic of Korea (ROK) from 16-19 July 2012.
The Minister will be accompanied by Government Officials, State Government Representatives and a business delegation. The objectives of the mission are:
· as a follow up to the Official Visit by YAB Deputy Prime Minister to the ROK from 11-12 June 2012;
· seek to increase Foreign Direct Investment from ROK in the sectors of green technology, information and communication technology, solar power and automotive; and
· to explore the prospect of increasing exports of chemicals and chemical products, E&E components and raw petroleum to the ROK.
Programmes scheduled during the Trade and Investment Mission to the ROK include:
· Individual Meetings with Korean companies;
· Business Seminar on Investment Opportunities in Malaysia;
· Gathering with Malaysian professionals and students; and
· Networking and business matching events.
In addition, at the sidelines of the Trade and Investment Mission, Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed will also be signing the MoU on bilateral industrial cooperation with H.E Sukwoo Hong, the Korean Minister of Knowledge Economy. The MoU which encompases cooperation in four (4) areas, namely, automotive; electrical and electronics, including ICT; manufacturing plant; and improvement of trade and investment system in the manufacturing sector, is significant towards strengthening existing bilateral ties as well as paving the way forward for more aggressive industrial cooperation in both countries.
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
12 July 2012
The Minister will be accompanied by Government Officials, State Government Representatives and a business delegation. The objectives of the mission are:
· as a follow up to the Official Visit by YAB Deputy Prime Minister to the ROK from 11-12 June 2012;
· seek to increase Foreign Direct Investment from ROK in the sectors of green technology, information and communication technology, solar power and automotive; and
· to explore the prospect of increasing exports of chemicals and chemical products, E&E components and raw petroleum to the ROK.
Programmes scheduled during the Trade and Investment Mission to the ROK include:
· Individual Meetings with Korean companies;
· Business Seminar on Investment Opportunities in Malaysia;
· Gathering with Malaysian professionals and students; and
· Networking and business matching events.
In addition, at the sidelines of the Trade and Investment Mission, Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed will also be signing the MoU on bilateral industrial cooperation with H.E Sukwoo Hong, the Korean Minister of Knowledge Economy. The MoU which encompases cooperation in four (4) areas, namely, automotive; electrical and electronics, including ICT; manufacturing plant; and improvement of trade and investment system in the manufacturing sector, is significant towards strengthening existing bilateral ties as well as paving the way forward for more aggressive industrial cooperation in both countries.
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
12 July 2012