Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry will attend the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting (MRT) in Sapporo, Japan from 5-6 June 2010.
MRT will:
- discuss ways to give impetus to conclude the Doha Development Agenda(DDA) negotiations;
- review the international economic and trade environment and APEC’s efforts in mitigating protectionism;
- evaluate progress made by APEC’s economies in realising free and open trade and investment in the region, in line with the objectives of the Bogor Goals;
- discuss ways to accelerate on-going work programmes and identify new measures to strengthen regional economic integration;
- exchange views on ways to strengthen long-term growth in the Asia Pacific region remised on balanced, inclusive, sustainable, knowledge-based and secure growth; and
- seek new ways to enhance human security with a specific focus on food security, pandemic preparedness and counter terrorism measures.
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