The Government will continue to address business related issues in an expeditious manner. The Government, through PEMUDAH, is currently implementing many new measures to further facilitate business in Malaysia, including:
• establishment of the Kuala Lumpur Commercial Court by end 2009 to speed up resolution of commercial disputes;
• implementation of MyCoID, a standardised identification number to be adopted for companies dealing with all Government agencies;
• preparing a ‘Guidebook on Industrial Relations’ to provide guidelines on hiring and firing of workers; and
• compiling an ‘Asset Search Directory’ that contains organisations and agencies that assist in identifying and tracing company assets to facilitate closing businesses.
Malaysia’s reform initiatives have resulted in improvements in the public service delivery system. These improvements are reflected in the World Bank’s ‘Ease of Doing Business Index’ where Malaysia moved from 24th place in 2008...
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July 1, 2015 , by admin2

YB Dato’ Jacob Dungau Sagan, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri telah mempengerusikan satu sesi dialog bersama usahawan bumiputera Sarawak bertempat di Dewan Kenyalang, MPC Sarawak. Majlis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pandangan dan maklumbalas mengenai idea-idea innovatif dan kreatif yang boleh menyumbang kepada aktiviti ekonomi masyarakat Bumiputera. Hasil daripada sesi dialog ini akan dibentangkan ke Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Negara (MAPEN) yang kini sedang menggubal pelan pembangunan ekonomi dikenali sebagai ‘New Economic Model For Advanced Economy’.Dialog sebegini akan membolehkan Kerajaan, khususnya MITI, mendapatkan maklumbalas secara langsung, terus dan tepat tentang segala masalah dan isu-isu semasa yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat usahawan Bumiputera di Sarawak. Ini menunjukkan kesungguhan, keprihatinan dan komitmen kerajaan melalui MITI terhadap usaha-usaha membangunkan bumiputera dalam konteks pembangunan usahawan seterusnya mewujudkan...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2

“Kudos to all of you for rightfully choosing Malaysia as your preferred investment destination!”
Having said that, we would like to highlight a few key points on why Malaysia remains an ideal destination for Foreign Direct Investment(FDI).
Among the things that have helped put Malaysia on the international investors radar includes:
- World-class physical infrastructure
- Strong base of highly educated English-speaking workers
- Conducive business and policy environment – the “Soft Infrastructure”
- Strong legal system that safeguards business transactions while promoting corporate governance
- Setting up of a high-powered public-private sector taskforce, PEMUDAH, to address bureaucracy in business-government dealings
- Rapid advancement in Information Technology
- Adoption of global best practices in business
After all the hard work, it is heartening to note that Malaysia has made it to thetop 10 most competitive nations list in a recent report by the acclaimed...
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