A total of 360 manufacturing projects with investments amounting to RM15.9 billion were approved in the first six months of 2009. Foreign investments amounted to RM10.6 billion (66.7%) while domestic investments totaled RM5.2 billion (32.7%).
Leading investment areas were chemical and chemical products (RM7.3 billion), basic metal products (RM1.9 billion), E&E products (RM1.8 billion), petroleum products (RM1.1 billion), and fabricated metal products (RM855.4 million). Collectively, these projects represent 82% of the value of total investment approved.
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July 6, 2015 , by admin2
ASEAN-wide: 98.94 per cent of all products have been placed in the Inclusion List (IL) of the CEPT Scheme for AFTA. Of which 97.15 per cent are at 0-5 per cent. Average tariff in 2009 is 1.65 per cent (1.95 per cent in 2008). For ASEAN-6: 99.40 per cent of all their products are in the Inclusion List (IL), of which 99.71 per cent are at duty of 0-5 per cent. Average tariff is 0.79 per cent in 2008 (1.32 per cent in 2007).
For CLMV: 98.31 per cent of all their products are in the IL, of which 93.15 per cent are at duty of 0-5 per cent. Average tariff is 3.00 per cent in 2009 (3.69 per cent in 2008).
Read MoreJuly 3, 2015 , by admin2
Malaysia’s Industrial Production Index (IPI) for the manufacturing sector has continued its upward momentum by growing 6.2% in July 2009. July was the fifth consecutive month of growth this year and the first time that manufacturing breached the index of 100 since December 2008.
Exports of manufactured goods grew by 11% in July 2009 although year-on-year manufacturing exports contracted by 15.4%.
The manufacturing sector’s sales value in July fell 22.4% to RM42.2 billion compared with RM54.4 billion reported in the same month last year. However, sales value grew 7% from June 2009.
Read MoreJuly 2, 2015 , by admin2
Ukraine organized the “National Week of Food Processing Industry” from September 8 to 11, 2009 with several significant exhibitions held around the country. Among the main fairs are the “INPRODMASH & UPAKOVKA” the International Fair of Equipment, Technologies and Packaging for Food processing Industry and “SWEETS Ukraine” an International Exhibition on Confectionary Industry.
INPRODMASH & UPAKOVKA fairs had become the major exhibitions for the food equipment, technologies and packaging industry in Ukraine. “SWEETS Ukraine” was mainly dedicated to readymade food products and ingredients for food processing. The Ukraine food and food processing industry still remains rather attractive particularly for the imports of equipment, raw materials and food processing technology. Malaysian companies can be very competitive in vegetable oils, cocoa powder, coffee and tea, desiccated fruits and sea food products. Upon entering WTO, Ukraine has to manufacture food...
Read MoreJuly 2, 2015 , by admin2
Kenya has witnessed a steady rise in demand for disposable diapers in recent years. About ten years ago, there were fewer brands of disposable diapers and they were meant for the high-end market. Despite their low cost then, they were still out of reach. Today, the use of disposable diapers has increased significantly. Most families with a minimum income of USD 200 per month can afford to buy disposable diapers and the use is no longer reserved for the well-to-do.
The high demand for disposable diapers has created price wars and risen prices. This increase has been driven by intensive marketing campaigns on the benefits of the disposable diapers by various manufacturing companies. As manufacturers strive to gain from the growing sector, imitations are flocking the market. For example Sample diapers hope to ride on “Pamper’s” goodwill and success by incorporating P&G’s packaging and colours.
According to a leading retailer, the market penetration of diapers has led to a...
Read MoreJuly 1, 2015 , by admin2

Despite bracing itself for a bumpy ride, the manufacturing sector managed to garner foreign investments worth RM22.1billion ( 67.8%) of approved investments, while the services sector’s main thrust was from domestic investments, RM32.9billion ( 90.6%) for 2009.Undeniably, this is primarily due to Malaysia’s liberal and transparent business policies, productive workforce and strong financial services.
“Prudent banking policies have lent credibility and confidence to investors This coupled with the proactive launching of the second stimulus package of RM 60 billion have helped us weather the beatings of the harsh economic climate , Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed feels.Approved investment projects in manufacturing recently have been more capital intensive in nature, reflecting the move toward high-technology, high value-added, skills and knowledge-based industries.
Who is investing ?
Japan , at the moment, is our largest foreign investor with an investment of RM7 billion....
Read MoreJuly 1, 2015 , by admin2

SME Corporation Malaysia is teaming up with eBay and PayPal to help local small and medium enterprises broaden their markets.
What do SMEs already conducting or looking to conduct business online stand to gain? Under the agreement, eBay and PayPal specialists will provide education courses in the form of workshops or phone consultation programmes. For those looking to outsource their online sales channel, there’s also a Trading Assistant Programme which is an end-to-end service provided by eBay.
Good deals abound: eBay is waiving insertion fees for the first 100 eBay listings and selected features, while the first 100 payments received via PayPal will enjoy up to a 25% discount. Both eBay and PayPal are also offering dedicated account support to SMEs.
This MoU marks a first for a Government body in Malaysia to establish partnership with eBay, the world’s largest online marketplace with over 89 million active users and PayPal, a global leader in online payments.
Read MoreJuly 1, 2015 , by admin2

YB Dato’ Jacob Dungau Sagan, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri telah mempengerusikan satu sesi dialog bersama usahawan bumiputera Sarawak bertempat di Dewan Kenyalang, MPC Sarawak. Majlis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pandangan dan maklumbalas mengenai idea-idea innovatif dan kreatif yang boleh menyumbang kepada aktiviti ekonomi masyarakat Bumiputera. Hasil daripada sesi dialog ini akan dibentangkan ke Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Negara (MAPEN) yang kini sedang menggubal pelan pembangunan ekonomi dikenali sebagai ‘New Economic Model For Advanced Economy’.Dialog sebegini akan membolehkan Kerajaan, khususnya MITI, mendapatkan maklumbalas secara langsung, terus dan tepat tentang segala masalah dan isu-isu semasa yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat usahawan Bumiputera di Sarawak. Ini menunjukkan kesungguhan, keprihatinan dan komitmen kerajaan melalui MITI terhadap usaha-usaha membangunkan bumiputera dalam konteks pembangunan usahawan seterusnya mewujudkan...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2

The 6th Invest Malaysia 2010 Conference co-hosted by MIDA and Bursa Malaysia was held on 30 and 31 March 2010 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Organised annually and this time, with MIDA’s participation, the event provided a more comprehensive coverage of Malaysia’s investment environment with the inclusion of the manufacturing and services sectors.
With the theme “Powering Global Excellence”, Invest Malaysia 2010 provided the latest updates in Government policies that benefit businesses and investors, including:
the implementation of the Government Transformation Programme;
how Malaysia plans to attract private investments towards achieving the goal of a high income economy; and
growth areas for further development such as the services sector, aerospace and renewable energy.
The highlight of the event was the keynote address by YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia who announced the first part of the New Economic Model...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
The other company, S.E.H (Shah Alam) Sdn. Bhd., a Japanese company with local participation, manufactures silicon polished wafers – one of the only four major producers of the product in the world. Since its inception in 1973, the company has invested RM2.8 billion in this business.
Going down to the ground to get first-hand feedback is imperative in the formulation of policies and creation of conducive environment for industries to expand. The issue of natural gas supply, foreign labour policy and shortage of talents in the middle management level were some of the concerns highlighted during my visit. It is my priority now to review the current policies pertaining to investment to ensure Malaysia remains on investors’ radar.
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