Malaysia continues to attract investments in the manufacturing sector in 2011. Investments approved for the period of January-March 2011 totaled RM12.1 billion in 187 projects. Of these, 115 are new, with the remaining 72 related to expansion or diversification of operations of companies that already exist in Malaysia. These approved projects are expected to generate 25,117 employment opportunities, of which 14,294 or 56.9% will be in the managerial, technical, supervisory and skilled categories.
It is pertinent to note that Malaysia remains an attractive destination for foreign investments in the manufacturing sector. During the period from January to March 2011, approved foreign investments in the manufacturing sector totaled RM4.6 billion in 94 projects. The leading sources of foreign investments in approved projects are the USA (RM967.8 million), Singapore (RM853.4 million), Republic of Korea (RM719.5 million), Japan (RM258.7 million) and Hong Kong (RM180.0 million). These five countries together accounted for 64.8% total foreign investments approved.
A total of 2,595 manufacturing projects were approved during the period of 2008 – 2010 of which 1,854 projects (71.5%) with investments of RM70.4 billion had commenced production as at 31 December 2010.
Note: This article has been adapted from the MITI Weekly Bulletin Vol.141, 10 May 2011
It is pertinent to note that Malaysia remains an attractive destination for foreign investments in the manufacturing sector. During the period from January to March 2011, approved foreign investments in the manufacturing sector totaled RM4.6 billion in 94 projects. The leading sources of foreign investments in approved projects are the USA (RM967.8 million), Singapore (RM853.4 million), Republic of Korea (RM719.5 million), Japan (RM258.7 million) and Hong Kong (RM180.0 million). These five countries together accounted for 64.8% total foreign investments approved.
A total of 2,595 manufacturing projects were approved during the period of 2008 – 2010 of which 1,854 projects (71.5%) with investments of RM70.4 billion had commenced production as at 31 December 2010.
Note: This article has been adapted from the MITI Weekly Bulletin Vol.141, 10 May 2011