Highlights of the MITI Weekly Bulletin, Vol. 113 include:
Malaysia - Budget Allocation for 2011
The 2011 Budget, the first budget of the 10th Malaysia Plan marks the turning point in Malaysia’s transformation process towards a developed and high-income economy based on the principles of inclusiveness and sustainability as envisaged under the New Economic Model. The Budget with the theme “Transformation Towards a Developed and High-Income Nation” is guided by four strategies.
Ensuring a More Secure Trading Environment
The United Nations (UN) Security Council passed a resolution in 2004 which requested member countries to establish an export control system for the purpose of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The Malaysian government’s efforts to secure trade against terrorist infiltration culminated in the Strategic Trade Act 2010 (STA). The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) is the custodian of this Act.
WTO Trade Policy Review of the United States of America
USA underwent its tenth Trade Policy Review on 29 September and 1 October 2010, since the establishment of the WTO on 1 January 1995. The USA continues to maintain a largely transparent and open trading regime despite facing financial and economic difficulties. Since the last review in 2008, there are a number of new rulings or measures implemented or in the process of undergoing approval, which may impact US trade partners.
Forbes Global CEO Conference 2010
The FORBES Global CEO Conference (FGCC) 2010, with the theme ‘Full Sail Ahead’, was held in Sydney, Australia from 28 to 29 September 2010. The Forum was divided into 17 sessions with 57 speakers covering areas such as economy, finance, global growth, green technology, services and technology and ICT development. The Chairman and CEO of Forbes Magazine, Mr. Steve Forbes interviewed the MITI Minister on Malaysia’s economic reforms and the way forward.
National Innovative and Creative Circle (ICC) Convention 2010, 7-9 October 2010
To reinforce the importance of innovation and productivity enhancement in today’s global competitive environment, Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) has been promoting team-based Innovative and Creative Circles (ICCs) since 1983. Participants from 84 organisations participated in this year’s National ICC Convention which consisted of teams from the manufacturing, electrical and electronics, services and Government sectors.
Also featured
•Other Economic Trends & Development
• Overseas Tender Bids (Pakistan & India)
• Upcoming events – including briefing & consultation sessions, specialised marketing missions, trainings and promotion booths.
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