Highlights of the MITI Weekly Bulletin, Vol. 107 includes:
Malaysia to Become a Global Photovoltaic Industry Player
Photovoltaics (PV) has been used for over half a century in a range of applications and is recognised globally as they offer solutions to meet increasing energy demand. Malaysia has the potential to become one of the leaders in solar PV manufacturing. With investments from top ranking global companies like Q-Cells, First Solar and SunPower, Malaysia is poised to become a global hub for solar PV manufacturing by 2011. It is estimated that the cumulative revenues from the PV industry will contribute up to 4% of the national GDP by 2020.
Updates on the Indonesia–Malaysia–Thailand GrowthTriangle
The Indonesia–Malaysia–Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) was formed in July 1993, with the objective of accelerating and facilitating economic development in participating regions/countries through greater integration of trade and commerce in the sub-regions. Six working groups have been established under IMT-GT to undertake programmes/projects envisioned under the Roadmap for Development, 2007-2011. the Working Group on Trade and Investment (WGTI) led by MITI has completed 10 projects including…
APEC: Charting New Growth Strategy
In 2009, following the global economic crisis, APEC Economic Leaders pledged to put in place a comprehensive long-term growth strategy that supports more balanced growth within and across economies, growth that achieves greater inclusiveness in societies, sustains the environment, and which seeks to raise growth potential through innovation and knowledge. APEC has identified five key attributes of the new Growth Strategy, namely balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure growth to take the regional community forward. Among the efforts to be undertaken by APEC that will complement and support Malaysia’s New Economic Model include …
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