I met a number of top Thai and Malaysian business leaders in my recent trip to Bangkok in the effort to promote greater collaboration as well as to encourage Thai business leaders to invest in Malaysia. Presently, it is noted that there are many Malaysian companies investing in Thailand. Thai investments in Malaysia is limited. This investment imbalance needs to be addressed.
It is encouraging to note that the Thai business leaders have shown high interest in investing in Malaysia. We will receive at least three trade delegations from Thailand within the next three months and expect to see the size of Thailand’s investment in Malaysia to increase accordingly. A delegation of over 120 Thai businessmen will be visiting Malaysia on 28-30 March 2010.
A Malaysia-Thai Business Opportunities Seminar will be held on 29 March 2010 at Renaissance Hotel where MITI, MIDA and MATRADE officials will be briefing the Thai business leaders on investment opportunities in Malaysia.
A high level CEO delegation of 15 listed companies in the Thai Stock Exchange is scheduled to visit Malaysia in June 2010.