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Tag Archives: APEC

APEC Needs To Grow Ecosystem To Support Enterprise Creation - Ahmad Maslan
October 15, 2015 , by admin2

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 26 (Bernama) — The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) needs to build an ecosystem that supports enterprise creation and improves the environment for innovation, as well as facilitates financial inclusion for start-ups, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Ahmad Maslan said.

He said Malaysia recognises the vital role of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in bringing new ideas to the market and fostering innovation.

Ahmad highlighted Malaysia’s initiatives for modernisation and automation of MSMEs, including focusing on the Soft Loan Scheme for Automation & Modernisation (SLSAM).

SLSAM seeks to encourage MSMEs in Malaysia to embrace automation and modernisation of their businesses.

“We further applaud the Philippines for putting the MSMEs at the forefront of its priorities this year, and we fully support the ‘APEC Iloilo Initiative’ which complements the ‘Boracay Action Agenda’ in promoting conducive policy,...

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Mustapa: Asean on track for progressive trade liberalisation
October 13, 2015 , by admin2

Asean countries are on track for progressive liberalisation of trade within the region, covering 128 sub-sectors via the Asean Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS).

The liberalisation will boost the services sector’s contribution to the region’s gross domestic product (GDP) from the current 40% to 50%, said International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.

He said AFAS will be a platform for services providers to take advantage of the market openings as well as to benefit from new ideas and processes arising out of the opening of the services sector.

Efforts has been put into concluding the AFAS 10th package by year-end to provide wider and better opportunities for members in tapping the benefits of the services sector,” he said in his opening address at the inaugural Asean Service Provider Confederation (ASPC) meeting yesterday.

His speech was read by Malaysia External Trade Development Corp (Matrade) CEO Datuk Dzulkifli Mahmud. Last year, Asean...

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June 29, 2015 , by admin2
Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry will attend the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting (MRT) in Sapporo, Japan from 5-6 June 2010. MRT will:
  • discuss ways to give impetus to conclude the Doha Development Agenda(DDA) negotiations;
  • review the international economic and trade environment and APEC’s efforts in mitigating protectionism; 
  • evaluate progress made by APEC’s economies in realising free and open trade and investment in the region, in line with the objectives of the Bogor Goals; 
  • discuss ways to accelerate on-going work programmes and identify new measures to strengthen regional economic integration;
  • exchange views on ways to strengthen long-term growth in the Asia Pacific region remised on balanced, inclusive, sustainable, knowledge-based and secure growth; and
  • seek new ways to enhance human security with a specific focus on food security, pandemic preparedness and counter terrorism measures. 
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Engagement with APEC Helps M’sia Improve Business Climate And Competitiveness
June 26, 2015 , by admin2
CREATING the enabling environment to facilitate trade and promote investments is a top priority of countries in their quest to maintain economic growth and remain competitive. Over the years, countries unilaterally or through regional collaboration have undertaken initiatives to review, improve, simplify or eliminate redundant rules, regulations and procedures so that businesses can thrive and prosper. Malaysia’s Government transformation programme emphasises the need to provide a conducive business environment for the country to remain a major trading nation and favoured investment destination in the region. The 10th Malaysia Plan, which charts the development of the nation for the next five years (2011-2015), has set a target for Malaysia to be ranked among the top 10 countries on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business by 2015. Malaysia has already initiated regulatory reforms unilaterally in many areas to improve the Government delivery system and business...
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Investment Opportunities in APEC Economies
June 24, 2015 , by admin2
Are you a Malaysian seeking investment opportunities in APEC economies? You may be interested in the 7th edition (the latest) of the Guide to Investment Regimes which provides information relating to the investment environment in APEC member countries and help you make wise investment decisions. Among the countries covered in this edition are:
  • China;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Indonesia;
  • Japan;
  • Singapore;
  • United States of America; and
Malaysia.Among information available in this edition are:
  • ·         Introduction to Investment Regimes;
  • ·         Investment Priority Plan/Equivalent Policy;
  • ·         Regulation and Conditions of Foreign Investment;
  • ·         Investment Promotion and Facilitation;
  • ·         Investment and Intellectual Property Rights Protection;
  • ·         Movement of Persons; and
Taxation on Investment.This article is adapted from the MWB Vol.128.
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June 24, 2015 , by admin2
Big Sky, MT – Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) ministers met today on the margins of the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade meeting to take stock of progress made so far and to consider the path forward as they seek to conclude a high-standard, regional trade agreement. Joining the meeting were Australian Minister for Trade Craig Emerson, Bruneian Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Pehin Lim Jock Seng, Chilean Vice Minister of Trade Jorge Bunster, Malaysian Secretary General for International Trade and Industry Rebecca Fatima Sta. Maria, New Zealand Minister of Trade Tim Groser, Peruvian Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Eduardo Ferreyros Kuppers, Singaporean Permanent Secretary for Trade and Industry Ow Foong Pheng, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, and Vietnamese Minister of Planning and Investment Vo Hong Phuc. The ministers discussed the progress so far after six rounds of negotiations and were pleased with the steady and solid progress to date in this...
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June 24, 2015 , by admin2
APEC and the World Bank on 18 May 2011 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen collaboration on food safety in the Asia-Pacific region. Inger Andersen, World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development and the co-chairs of the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum, Steve McCutcheon from Australia and Lin Wei from China, signed the MoU in the margins of a series of APEC meetings in Montana, US. With the signing of the MoU, both organisations will work together closely on training programs to improve food safety standards and practices in the region, as well as to facilitate trade. The programmes will enable more growers, producers and food safety officials to understand and utilise preventative controls – resulting in safer food for consumers and fewer safety incidents in food trade. This MoU will also strengthen the efforts to mobilise resources, promote and support capacity building to better ensure food safety concerns globally. MITI Weekly Bulletin Vol.143,... Read More
June 24, 2015 , by admin2
The 2011 APEC Economic Policy Report (AEPR) was released on the sidelines during the meetings of APEC officials in Big Sky, Montana, United States from 7-21 May 2011. The report shows the progress of individual APEC economies in pursuing domestic structural reforms. It also evaluates APEC’s work in raising awareness of the importance of structural reforms, and building the capacity of its member economies, particularly developing ones, to carry them out. The AEPR 2011 shows various research results which underscore the importance of undertaking structural reform to achieve economic growth. A study by APEC has found that reform in key infrastructure industries in member economies has resulted in lower prices for consumers, increased consumer choice and improved efficiency and productivity. It has also estimated that further reform in the energy, telecommunications and transport sectors of the APEC region will generate USD175 billion a year in additional income. Many programmes...
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June 24, 2015 , by admin2
APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) serves as a pre-cleared multiple-entry visa for business people in participating APEC economies. The card allows its holders to use specially-designated “fast track” immigration lanes at major international gateways. In order to make the card more effective and user-friendly, APEC is now conducting the ABTC Client Satisfaction and New Applicant Surveys. The objective is to find ways to simplify procedures for renewing an ABTC. Valuable feedback on the ABTC scheme from existing card holders and new applicants will be taken into consideration in further improving the ABTC thus making business travel more convenient. The surveys will also examine business travel patterns of both ABTC holders and non-ABTC holders to compare the differences in monetary and time costs incurred, thereby measuring the benefits of the scheme. Responses are filed anonymously and the survey results will be used to further develop client service standards and to identify... Read More
June 24, 2015 , by admin2
Y.B Dato’ Mukhriz Tun Mahathir, Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) telah mengadakan lawatan kunjungan hormat ke Media Prima Berhad TV3 pada 11 Julai 2011. Lawatan ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan tentang APEC Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit (APEC YES 2011) yang dijadualkan akan berlangsung pada 18 hingga 20 Oktober 2011 bertempat di Berjaya Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur. APEC YES 2011 akan dirasmikan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia.Turut hadir mengiringi YB Timbalan Menteri MITI adalah Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SME Corp Dato’ Hafsah Hashim serta pegawai-pegawai daripada SME Corp dan MITI. Manakala pihak TV3 diketuai oleh Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, Media Prima Bhd, Dato’ Amrin Awaluddin dan kakitangan Media Prima Berhad. APEC YES 2011 bertemakan “Unlocking economic value through innovation” akan disertai oleh 21 negara seperti Australia, Brunei, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Mexico, Vietnam dan beberapa negara lain... Read More

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Development Finance Bhd Malaysian Palm Oil Board Malaysian Report Malaysian Standards Malaysian economy Malaysian pavilion Manufacturing Manufacturing Industry Maybank Media Release Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Microsoft Mid Tier Companies Development Programme Minister of Commerce of China Gao yan Minister of International Trade and Industry Ministry of Finance Ministry of International Trade and Industry Miti Miti Report Miti Weekly Bulletin MyASEAN Internship Programme NAP NAP review National Automotive Policy Nestle Networking OIC OIC-Asia Trade and Economic Forum 2015 Organisation of Islamic Cooperation P Ravindran PEMANDU PEMUDAH PKS PLKN PPD Pameran Maritime dan Aeroangkasa Antarabangsa Langkawi 2015 Parts and Components Pembangunan Industri Halal Sdn Bhd Pengurusan Prestasi dan Pelaksanaan (PEMANDU) Perbadanan Perbadanan Pembangunan Industri Halal Sdn Bhd Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia Performance Management and Delivery Unit Perjanjian 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Elimination Temasek Foundation Tenaga Nasional Bhd's The 21th ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) The Malaysian Investment Development Authority The New Global Context The World Trade Organisation (WTO Toyota Camry Trade Trade Figure Trade Performance Trade Review Trans Pacific Partnership Trans Pacific Partnerships Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement UMW Corporation UMW Holdings Berhad UMW Toyota UNCTAD US Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Untag Usahawan Bumiputera Vehicle End-of-Life Policy Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) WCC WCY WEF WEP WHS WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM(WEF) EAST ASIA 2014 AND TRADE & INVEST WTO World Competitive Centre World Competitiveness Center (WCC) World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) World Economic Forum World Halal Conference 2015 World Halal Summit YB Dato' Sri Mustapa Mohamed ZICOlaw application auto automotive bangladesh bank negara malaysia bilateral relation biojisim biomass business business facilitataion business facilitation cars 15 years cement industry competitiiveness competitive competitiveness competitveness currency e&e economy education electrical electronics emerging market environment eport World Competitiveness Yearbook 2014 export exports felda food manufacturing fore foreign direct investments foreign trade forex free trade agreement green technology gross domestic product healthcare highway hong kong import imports india industries industry interest rates international standards investmen investment investments irAsia iron and steel japan jepun kdnk kelantan liberalisation logistic low carbon malaysia malaysian business manila manufacturing mecc metal sub-sector middle east mihas miti motor vehicles national green technology national timber policy non-Islamic nations non-tariff north africa packaging policy review portland cement proton public service delivery renminbi research and development retails road transport sales showcase small and medium enterprises small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sme sme corp sme corp malaysia sme master plan smi smidec syarikat berstatus multinasional tariff tax incentive textiles the Asociation of Southeast Asian Nations the electrical and electronics the government's 11th Malaysian Plan tnb tourism trade tradisional medicine tube programme usahaw value added visit wood wood-based products world economic forums