MITI takes proactive action to shelter consumers and industries interests
Malaysian consumers and industries can expect better quality and safety products with the implementation of mandatory standards. The implementation of mandatory standards will ensure that only products of acceptable quality are imported or produced locally. The mandatory standards will ensure that products meet safety, health, and environment requirements which are aligned to international standards.
Mandatory standards requirement provides a competitive edge to Malaysian exporters in the global arena, while protecting the interests of consumers in the local market. As of 31 March 2009, a total of 5,588 Malaysian Standards have been developed, out of which 3,101 standards are aligned with international standards and 173 standards have been made mandatory. The sectors in mandatory standards are 3 for iron and steel, 57 for electrical equipment and accessories, 38 for food and food products including...
Read MoreTag Archives: competitive
July 6, 2015 , by admin2
The Government will continue to address business related issues in an expeditious manner. The Government, through PEMUDAH, is currently implementing many new measures to further facilitate business in Malaysia, including:
• establishment of the Kuala Lumpur Commercial Court by end 2009 to speed up resolution of commercial disputes;
• implementation of MyCoID, a standardised identification number to be adopted for companies dealing with all Government agencies;
• preparing a ‘Guidebook on Industrial Relations’ to provide guidelines on hiring and firing of workers; and
• compiling an ‘Asset Search Directory’ that contains organisations and agencies that assist in identifying and tracing company assets to facilitate closing businesses.
Malaysia’s reform initiatives have resulted in improvements in the public service delivery system. These improvements are reflected in the World Bank’s ‘Ease of Doing Business Index’ where Malaysia moved from 24th place in 2008...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
In a rapidly changing world, Malaysia holds its own…
With a vibrant economy that is progressing…
Through rapid industrialisation and transformation…
ENJOY THE VIDEO! Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
The 2010 World Competitiveness Yearbook by the International Institute for Management Development, IMD , ranked Malaysia as one of the top 10 most competitive countries in the world !
Check these figures out…
For the first time Malaysia has been ranked in the top ten most competitive countries in the world. Malaysia’s strengthened position rests largely on significant improvements in Government and Business Efficiency ratings :
Government Efficiency : 10 ranks up to the 9 th , from the 19th
Business Efficiency : 9 places up to the 4 th , from the 13 th
Among middle-income countries, with GDP per capita under US$20k, Malaysia ranks second only to Taiwan . The top ten includes Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States, Switzerland, Australia, Sweden, Canada and Norway.
In terms of Economic Performance , Malaysia received particularly strong ratings around:
Low long-term unemployment (ranked 4 th ),
Strong exports as a percentage of GDP...
Read MoreJune 29, 2015 , by admin2
We at MITI strongly support and eagerly await the upcoming 13th Annual SME Innovation Showcase SMIDEX 2010, organised by SME Corp. This year’s theme “Pioneering Business Transformation through Innovation” is in line with the New Economic Model (NEM)’s approach of holistic development and growth- ultimately growing from small companies into those with the potential to break into global markets.
The showcase aims to promote innovative products and services in developing competitive and resilient SMEs in Malaysia, focusing on four exciting areas:
Innovation in Technology
Innovation in Packaging & Design
Green Technology & Energy Efficiency
Halal Products and Services
Regarded as one of the premier and most reputable business “one stop” events for SMEs to network and market their innovative products and services among SMEs, large companies and MNCs, SMEs can now explore new market opportunities and technologies to better enhance their capacity and enterprise. The...
Read MoreJune 26, 2015 , by admin2

Malaysia felt the impact of the global financial crisis, but through sound policy and hard work began to emerge from the crisis at the end of 2009
The world economy in 2009 underwent a major financial crisis. While the U.S., Europe and Japan were hardest hit, Malaysia did not escape economic contraction, but it was among the first countries to show signs of recovery due to the Government’s timely stimulus measures and sound fiscal policy.
The U.S. experienced a 2.4% contraction in real GDP, Europe’s economy shrunk by 4.1% and Japan saw a 5.2% contraction.
World total merchandise trade was down 23% in 2009, and total commercial services trade declines by 14%.
ASEAN saw slower GDP growth of 1.3% in 2009, compared with 4.4% growth in 2008.
Malaysia’s economy shrunk in the first three quarters of 2009, but grew by 4.4% in the last three months of the year.
Malaysia’s trading volume fell in 2009, in line with the global slowdown, but experienced much smaller...
Read MoreJune 25, 2015 , by admin2

June 25, 2015 , by admin2
Program Peningkatan Kualiti Produk dan Perkhidmatan atau lebih dikenali sebagai Program Groom Big bertujuan melahirkan usahawan-usahawan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) yang berdaya saing di peringkat di peringkat domestik dan global bagi mempertingkatkan kedudukan sesebuah syarikat dari peringkat Mikro, Kecil hingga ke Sederhana yang bersedia untuk mengeksport produk-produk dan perkhidmatan ke peringkat global.
Showcase Groom Big 1Malaysia Negeri Perak merupakan kesinambungan kepada Program Groom Big bagi megukuhkan segmen keusahawanan di Negeri Perak, agar berdaya saing dalam sektor - sektor utama ekonomi negara. Ianya juga bertujuan:
• mempromosikan produk usahawan - usahawan di Negeri Perak
• mencipta eksport - eksport baru
• mewujudkan jaringan usahawan,
• mengetengahkan budaya dan konsep business matching, handholding dan konsultasi perdagangan.
Showcase Groom Big Negeri Perak akan dianjurkan seperti butiran berikut:
Tarikh : 05– 07 November...
Read MoreJune 25, 2015 , by admin2

June 25, 2015 , by admin2
A plan is vital for the success of any venture - more so in the business world which presents new challenges every single day! Needless to say, productivity is important to increase your competitiveness and stay ahead of the game.
Did you know about the E-Z Productivity Calculator? This tool, developed by the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), can compute Productivity and Labour Cost Competitiveness of your company and give you the Added Value automatically.
Just be sure to have these documents handy before you start:
financial Statement (1 year)
Balance Sheets (1 year)
Profit and Loss Statement (1 year)
Total number of employees during the year - this includes paid part-time & full-time, working proprietors and unpaid family members
You can watch a demo of the system first…………..
Use this online calculator to access your company’s productivity performance and let us have your feedback!
Note: Adapted from the MITI Weekly Bulletin Vol.125 Read More