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June 15, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida) which will be organising a series of global supply chain conferences throughout the year, yesterday hosted an aerospace and commercial supplier conference to spur further investments in the aerospace industry.
Mida’s CEO Datuk Azman Mahmud (pix) said the conference is part of its initiatives to increase investments in the aerospace sector, given that projects approved involving manufacturing and maintenance, repair, operations (MRO) last year stood at RM682 million, compared with RM387.3 million in 2013.
“This is also part of our effort in promoting Malaysia as an investment destination for aerospace. We will have a forum on the aviation industry during the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) March 18, 2015, which will be officiated by the International Trade Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed,” Azman told reporters at the aerospace and commercial supplier conference 2015... Read More
June 15, 2015 , by admin2
The Economic Wrap-Up session held in Sasana Kijang organised by the Performance and Management Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) recently featured Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, CEO of PEMANDU and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, fellow Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, and Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamad, Minister of International Trade and Industry.
The session brought home the point that while Malaysia’s economy was in good shape throughout 2014, several areas still remain to be improved before the nation can fulfil its aspiration of becoming a high-income developed country by 2020.
Dato’ Sri Mustapa, in his concluding remarks, reminded the audience that everyone needed to work together in order to make 2015 a success, as it would most likely turn out to be a challenging year.
The way forward for Malaysia
Dato’ Sri Idris reiterated the need to remain focused on completing existing projects and not to keep brainstorming new ones. “If...
Read MoreJune 15, 2015 , by admin2
"LANGKAWI 6 Mac - Penglibatan lebih banyak pemain sektor komersial pada Pameran Maritim dan Aeroangkasa Antarabangsa Langkawi 2015 (LIMA’15) mampu meningkatkan lagi kedudukan industri pertahanan sebagai aspek penting ekonomi negara, kata Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.
Beliau berkata, penglibatan secara langsung buat kali pertamanya Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri dan Kementerian Pengangkutan pada LIMA kali ini telah menarik lebih ramai pemain sektor komersial.
“Ini merupakan pendekatan yang wajar dalam (penganjuran) LIMA akan datang (untuk mengimbangi) nisbah di antara aset-aset ketenteraan dan aset-aset komersial dan juga melihat kepada industri pertahanan itu sebagai satu pemangkin kepada pengukuhan ekonomi kita pada masa masa akan datang,” katanya.
Hishammuddin berkata demikian dalam sidang media selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Kedua Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan LIMA’15 Peringkat Menteri di sini, hari ini.
Read MoreJune 15, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR: The National Export Council has planned a roadmap to boost Malaysia’s competitiveness in the international market.
The government-backed body held its first meeting in Putrajaya chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to put in place the comprehensive roadmap to enhance the nation’s exports amid uncertainties in the global market.
The council, which was set up in December, said the planned initiatives will address the gaps in the export eco-system.
“It will deepen market access for exporters through market linkers, industry specialists and specialised promotion programmes,” it said in a statement.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will also be included and the resilient ones will be “internationalised” through customised programmes such as Go-Ex.
The contribution by SMEs to export is still relatively small at 16.9 per cent and is earmarked to grow to a target of 25 per cent by 2020.
The council also intends to ramp up exports through... Read More
June 15, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR, March 12 (Bernama) — Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) has appointed nine strategic suppliers from its Bumiputera Vendor Development Programme launched in 1994.
Chief procurement officer, Syed Abu Hanifah Syed Alwi, said the period of appointment of the companies was for two years or equivalent to a procurement cycle.
“After today’s appointments, we will continue to evaluate the performance of the nine companies. If they perform at the expected level then the period of appointment would be extended again.
“In terms of time limit, if they continue to meet TNB’s requirements then I can say that the appointments would not have a set period of time,” he said after the appointment ceremony here today.
Abu Hanifah said the selection of vendors as a strategic suppliers was based on the company’s merit, performance and qualifications.
Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed officiated the ceremony.
Tags: AEC, AFTA, ASEAN, Asean... Read More
June 15, 2015 , by admin2
SHAH ALAM, March 23 (Bernama) — UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd, assembler and distributor of Toyota vehicles in Malaysia, today launched the new locally-assembled Toyota Camry Hybrid, aiming to produce some 7,000 units of the variant this year.
UMW Toyota Motor Chairman Tan Sri Asmat Kamaludin said the Toyota Camry Hybrid CKD (completely knocked-down), the first hybrid car to be assembled at Assembly Services Sdn Bhd (ASSB) here, shows the company’s determination and commitment to produce cars that meet customers’ expectations.
“The group expects to roll out some 7,000 units of the all-new Toyota Camry over the next nine months.
“Between 2010 and 2015, UMW Toyota has so far invested close to RM180 million for the Toyota Camry CKD project,” he said at the launch by International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed at ASSB here Monday.
At the same function, UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd also launched the new assembly line at its plant here, which will be... Read More
June 15, 2015 , by admin2
KUALA LUMPUR: The International Trade and Industry Ministry is organising the Malaysia Entrepreneurship Forum 2015 (MEF) for local entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses.
To be held at the Matrade Exhibition and Convention Centre on Thursday, the forum is aimed at providing information about government efforts to help entrepreneurs go global.
It will also feature successful entrepreneurs such as Cliff Ink Sdn Bhd’s Michelle Lau Sook Yee and Habibul Ajmi Manggar from Perniagaan Orang Kampung Sdn Bhd, who will share their experiences.
Other entrepreneurs include Datin Nor Azlin Abdul Jalil from Pearl Haya Sdn Bhd, Razi Yahaya from Rocksoft Sdn Bhd, B.J. Tan from Jeenhuat Foodstuffs Industries Sdn Bhd, and Asyraf Abdul Rahman from Autokeen Sdn Bhd.
The forum will be launched by International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, who will also take part in a special segment called “Bicara Bersama Menteri”.
The segment will be moderated by renowned... Read More
June 15, 2015 , by admin2
June 12, 2015 , by admin2
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Shapers Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Shapers Malaysia), Datuk Mohd. Shukri Abdullah (gambar) berkata, forum tersebut akan menjadi platform tepat bagi membincangkan isu-isu halal sekali gus membangkitkan kesedaran masyarakat dunia tentang pentingnya mendapatkan poduk yang halal.
Katanya, empat forum yang baharu diperkenalkan itu ialah Forum Sarjana, Forum Persijilan, Forum Akademik dan Forum Perniagaan menampilkan objektif berbeza yang wajar direbut golongan peniaga sama ada di dalam dan luar negara.
“Setiap forum itu akan membincangkan pelbagai topik melibatkan pakar-pakar halal antarabangsa dan mencari kaedah terbaik dalam membangkitkan kesedaran mengenai kepentingan halal terutama standard dan persijilan serta peranan institusi berkaitan,” katanya dalam sidang akhbar WHS 2015 di sini baru-baru ini.
WHS dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) dengan kerjasama Perbadanan Pembangunan Perdagangan Luar Malaysia (Matrade),...
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