The Government of Malaysia has received a safeguard petition fromMegasteel Sdn. Bhd. representing the domestic industry producing hot rolled coils (HRC). HRC is used as base material in various industries such as automotive, construction, electric and electronics, fabrication, engineering and manufacturing. The petitioner alleges that importation of HRC into Malaysia have increased from 2007 to 2010 and have caused serious injury to the domestic industry in Malaysia.
Based on the petition, the Government has established that there are sufficient evidence of increase in imports of HRC into Malaysia, serious injury and causal link. As such, the Government has decided to initiate a preliminary safeguard investigation on imports of HRC commencing on 1 May 2011.
In accordance with Act 657 and its Regulation, preliminary determination will be made within 90 days from the date of commencement of the investigation. Further investigation would be carried out if preliminary affirmative...
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June 24, 2015 , by admin2
Malaysia will host the 4th Federation of Japanese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in ASEAN (FJCCIA) Annual Dialogue, Kuala Lumpur on 8 - 9 July 2011.
There are five major highlights at the 4th FJCCIA Annual Dialogue:
• FJCCIA Dialogue;
• Symposium on Enhancing ASEAN-Japan Relations on Specific Sectors (Automotive, SMEs, Electrical and Electronics, and Agriculture);
• Networking dinner;
• Dialogue between AEM, METI Minister, SG ASEAN and FJCCIA; and
• Media conference.
It is anticipated that 50 FJCCIA delegates will be involved. The Dialogue will be held back-to-back with the Joint Symposium on “Enhancing ASEAN-Japan Relations on Specific Sectors (Automotive, SMEs, Electrical and Electronics and Agro-Based Industries)”. Speakers and moderators from ASEAN and Japan are invited to participate in the Symposium. About 25-30 delegates are expected to attend each of the panel discussion.
This event underlines the significant contributions of the Japanese private...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
The 53rd session of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Governing Body Meeting was successfully held in Kuala Lumpur from 19 – 21 April 2011. It was officiated by the Minister of International Trade and Industry, YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed. The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) hosted 60 delegates comprising APO directors and advisors from 20 member countries, observers from various national agencies and international organizations.
The Governing Body is the supreme organ of the APO. It comprises of one government-appointed director from each member country and meets annually to:
• elect a new APO Chair and Vice-chairs;
• receive Secretary-General’s report and auditor’s financial report;
• formulate directions for the ensuing fiscal year’s programme; and
• approve budget and financial guidelines.
“Malaysia will continue to intensify its productivity and innovation programmes towards creation of high value-added activities in the economy and the...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
Malaysia continues to attract investments in the manufacturing sector in 2011. Investments approved for the period of January-March 2011 totaled RM12.1 billion in 187 projects. Of these, 115 are new, with the remaining 72 related to expansion or diversification of operations of companies that already exist in Malaysia. These approved projects are expected to generate 25,117 employment opportunities, of which 14,294 or 56.9% will be in the managerial, technical, supervisory and skilled categories.
It is pertinent to note that Malaysia remains an attractive destination for foreign investments in the manufacturing sector. During the period from January to March 2011, approved foreign investments in the manufacturing sector totaled RM4.6 billion in 94 projects. The leading sources of foreign investments in approved projects are the USA (RM967.8 million), Singapore (RM853.4 million), Republic of Korea (RM719.5 million), Japan (RM258.7 million) and Hong Kong (RM180.0 million). These...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
Mesyuarat Majlis Pembangunan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana Kebangsaan (MPPK) yang ke-11 yang telah diadakan pada 29 April 2011 telah meluluskan Fasa Pertama Pelan Induk PKS (2011-2020). Pelan tersebut akan menetapkan hala tuju dasar PKS dalam semua sektor, ke arah mencapai status negara berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020 selaras dengan Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE).
Majlis yang dipengerusikan oleh Y.A.B. Perdana Menteri turut meluluskan Pelan Tindakan Bersepadu PKS (SMEIPA) 2011 yang merangkumi program yang telah dirancang bagi tahun 2011. Majlis telah membincangkan Fasa Pertama Pelan yang mengandungi Rangka Kerja Pembangunan PKS yang baru serta dasar dan strategi yang menyeluruh untuk mencapai matlamat MBE. Fasa Kedua Pelan Induk akan dilaksanakan bagi mengkaji pelan tindakan khusus serta membangunkan mekanisme pemantauan. Pelan ini tertumpu ke arah mewujudkan ekosistem yang menyokong bagi mempercepatkan pertumbuhan PKS melalui produktiviti dan inovasi, dan seterusnya membawa PKS ke...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2

Y.B. Dato' Mustapa Mohamed
On 28 April 2011, Malaysia signed an agreement with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to expand and deepen the existing economic and trade cooperation. The agreement was inked by Minister of International Trade and Industry, YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed and Chinese Minister of Commerce, H.E. Chen Deming and witnessed by Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak and Chinese Premier H.E. Wen Jiabao who was on official visit to Malaysia. The agreement allows for better coordination of cooperation projects that involve various Ministries and Government agencies. It will help to reinforce and complement the existing engagements established by the respective ministries of both countries. One of the main features of the agreement is the establishment of an Economic Cooperation Working Group (ECWG) which consists of Government officials of both countries. The Working Group will be tasked to identify specific sectoral investment and cooperation...June 24, 2015 , by admin2
Big Sky, MT – Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) ministers met today on the margins of the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade meeting to take stock of progress made so far and to consider the path forward as they seek to conclude a high-standard, regional trade agreement. Joining the meeting were Australian Minister for Trade Craig Emerson, Bruneian Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Pehin Lim Jock Seng, Chilean Vice Minister of Trade Jorge Bunster, Malaysian Secretary General for International Trade and Industry Rebecca Fatima Sta. Maria, New Zealand Minister of Trade Tim Groser, Peruvian Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Eduardo Ferreyros Kuppers, Singaporean Permanent Secretary for Trade and Industry Ow Foong Pheng, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, and Vietnamese Minister of Planning and Investment Vo Hong Phuc.
The ministers discussed the progress so far after six rounds of negotiations and were pleased with the steady and solid progress to date in this...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
The Institute for Management Development (IMD), based in Lausanne, Switzerland, issued its World Competitiveness Yearbook 2011 Report (WCY2011) yesterday, reporting that Malaysia’s ranking among 59 economies has declined from 10thposition in 2010 to 16th position this year.
The Malaysian Government has embarked on a number of initiatives to enhance competitiveness. The Government Transformation Programme (GTP) has addressed fundamental nationwide changes through 6 national key result areas (NKRAs) (Reducing Crime, Fighting Corruption, Improving Student Outcomes, Raising Living Standards of Low-Income Households, Improving Rural basic Infrastructure, Improving Urban Public Transport). Subsequent to that in October 2010, the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) has prioritized 11 sectors of National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) and the Greater KL Project. The ETP has identified a total of 131 Entry Point Projects (EPP) with a total investment value of RM794.5 billion as part of...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) dengan kerjasama Pejabat Daerah Besut telah menganjurkan Karnival Usahawan Besut 2011 di Bandar Jerteh, Terengganu pada 13 Mei 2011. Karnival ini telah dirasmikan oleh YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI).
Karnival ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada usahawan dan bakal usahawan dalam meningkatkan keupayaan melalui perkongsian pengalaman, kerjasama perniagaan dan interaksi di antara usahawan dalam konteks 1Malaysia. Objektif program ini diadakan adalah bagi:
- Membantu meningkatkan pendapatan usahawan;
- Membincangkan isu-isu setempat dengan penduduk dan mengambil tindakan terhadap isu-isu tersebut;
- Memberi peluang kepada penduduk daripada pelbagai latarbelakang untuk menyuarakan pendapat dan memohon keperluan untuk kawasan;
- Menyebarkan maklumat mengenai perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh MITI; dan
- Meneruskan tradisi pemimpin yang sering turun padang untuk bertemu...
June 24, 2015 , by admin2
APEC and the World Bank on 18 May 2011 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen collaboration on food safety in the Asia-Pacific region. Inger Andersen, World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development and the co-chairs of the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum, Steve McCutcheon from Australia and Lin Wei from China, signed the MoU in the margins of a series of APEC meetings in Montana, US.
With the signing of the MoU, both organisations will work together closely on training programs to improve food safety standards and practices in the region, as well as to facilitate trade. The programmes will enable more growers, producers and food safety officials to understand and utilise preventative controls – resulting in safer food for consumers and fewer safety incidents in food trade. This MoU will also strengthen the efforts to mobilise resources, promote and support capacity building to better ensure food safety concerns globally.
MITI Weekly Bulletin Vol.143,... Read More