This week’s MWB shares the success story of Noraini Cookies – a Malaysian brand that has gone global.Starting off as a traditional kuih supplier for a 5-star hotel in the 1980s, today, Noraini Cookies Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. produces a wide range of cookies from chocolate chips, cornflakes and raisins, oats and walnuts, ginger and almonds to jackfruit. It has two distinctive brand of cookies - the festival cookies “Noraini’s Cookies” and the all season cookies “Good Kiss”.
So, what are some of the ingredients for their success? The founder, Pn. Hjh. Noraini Hj. Ahmad, attributes her achievements to strong family support and the three basic principles she holds on to: negotiating skills, managing capital and marketing strategy. Heading the Research & Development unit herself, the founder is also a firm believer in continuous improvement and is in constant search for breakthrough ideas to improvise her recipes. The company is also committed in ensuring the quality of...
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June 25, 2015 , by admin2

June 24, 2015 , by admin2
Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed visited JF Microtechnology on 4 March 2011. Since its establishment in 1999, JF Technology, a fully-owned subsidiary of market-listed ACE JF Technology Bhd., has become a designer, manufacturer and supplier of test probes and test sockets to the semiconductor industry worldwide.
During the visit, the Minister was informed that JF Microtechnology intends to expand its operations in Selangor with a total capital investment of RM30 million; creating 90 new employment opportunities in the field of engineering. Its focus, among others, would be on precision technology and knowledge-based industry.
After the visit, Y.B. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed announced that a total of RM4.6 billion of investments has been approved in the manufacturing sector in January 2011 involving 67 projects Domestic investors showed a keen interest by investing RM4.0 billion in 49 projects, representing 87% of the total approved investment.
The largest investment came...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
The First APEC Senior Official Meeting (27 February - 12 March 2011)deliberated details of key priorities and deliverables for 2011 particularly in the areas of strengthening regional economic integration and expanding trade, promoting green growth as well as advancing good regulatory convergence and cooperation.
Market-driven innovation policies will be further developed to address the next generation trade and investment issues which include supply-chain, cloud computing business models and barriers faced by SMEs.
On APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform (ANSSR), an Action Plan will be developed based on the common elements for capacity building. Possible reform priority areas for consideration include:
• ease of doing business;
• SMEs development;
• better functioning and effectively regulated financial markets;
• transparent and competitive markets;
• promoting labour market opportunities;
• training and education; and
• promoting effective and...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
APEC together with UNCTAD organised an ‘Intensive Training Course on International Agreements in the APEC Region’, from 7-11 March 2011, in Lima, Peru. The objective was to expose Government officials by providing a better understanding on the elements and latest developments regarding International Investment Agreements (IIAs). Speakers included representatives from UNCTAD, National University of Singapore and University of Mexico.
Key issues discussed included:
• trends and emerging issues in considering engagement in an IIA;
• various approaches on drafting of an IIA;
• management and prevention of disputes;
• alternatives to arbitration and possibilities for amicable settlement of disputes; and
• analysis on recent treaty practices.
Malaysia also participated in two sets of simulation exercises of negotiating a high-standard IIA from the perspective of a developing and developed nation. Participation in this course has provided policy makers and...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
APEC Business Travel Handbook is a practical tool which provides a quick reference guide to the visa and entry requirements of APEC Member Economies.
It lists the basic eligibility criteria and procedures for visa applications and the terms and conditions that apply to business travelers. This information is provided for both short-term business visits and temporary residence for business people in APEC Member Economies. The electronic Handbook also provides contact details for the embassies, consulates and other visa-issuing agencies of each member economy.
Information on the APEC Business Travel Handbook can be accessed via APEC Official website at www.
Note: This article has been adapted from the MITI Weekly Bulletin Vol.1357, 12 April 2011
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2
Kejayaan Sipro Plastic bermula dengan kegigihan seorang wanita, Puan. Noraini Soltan yang merupakan pengasas dan Pengarah Urusan syarikat. Sebagai sebuah perniagaan intensif modal, Sipro Plastic ternyata memerlukan pelaburan yang besar untuk terus berkembang. Di awal pembabitannya dalam bidang perniagaan. ternyata sukar bagi Sipro Plastic untuk mendapatkan pinjaman kewangan. Namun begitu, selepas setahun beroperasi dan menunjukkan perkembangan yang positif, PUNB bersetuju untuk menyediakan modal awal bagi memajukan syarikat.
Berbekalkan suntikan modal oleh pihak Kerajaan, Sipro Plastic kini berjaya mengeluar dan membekalkan produknya kepada syarikat-syarikat gergasi dalam industri automotif dan elektronik. Antara rakan perniagaannya adalah Panasonic, Sony, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Perodua, Proton, Modenas,
Menyedari bahawa inovasi yang berterusan dalam reka bentuk produk dan proses adalah penting bagi mengekalkan daya saing, Sipro Plastic giat menjalankan aktiviti...
Read MoreJune 24, 2015 , by admin2

Program Perhimpunan Bulanan MITI & Agensi Bil.3/2011 telah diadakan dengan jayanya pada 18 April 2011 bertempat di Dewan MECC, Bangunan MATRADE jam 2.30 petang.
Bagi menyokong saranan Kerajaan dalam memerangi masalah pencemaran dan memupuk budaya hidup yang mesra alam, Kempen 3R telah dilancarkan oleh YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa & Industri (MITI). Warga MITI yang telah bersara turut diraikan semasa majlis perhimpunan ini.Semasa berucap, YB Menteri mengingatkan kepentingan warga MITI untuk terus komited di dalam usaha negara mencapai status negara maju dan berpendapatan tinggi.
Apabila ditanya oleh pihak pemberita mengenai kesan ketidaktentuan dunia berikutan keadaan politik di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara, tsunami di Jepun serta masalah hutang dan defisit di Negara Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat kepada pelaburan dan perdagangan Malaysia, YB Menteri menjelaskan bahawa perkara tersebut dijangka dapat diketahui dua...
June 24, 2015 , by admin2
YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa & Industri, menyatakan Malaysia berminat untuk mengadakan kerjasama dengan Jepun untuk meneroka peluang meningkatkan pengeluaran automatif serta dalam industri lain yang melibatkan syarikat-syarikat Jepun di Malaysia. Tambah beliau, Malaysia menyambut baik sebarang langkah oleh syarikat Jepun untuk mengagihkan kegiatan pengeluaran ke Malaysia.
“Malaysia ingin bergerak meningkat rantaian nilai. Kita ingin memastikan Malaysia mengeluarkan lebih banyak komponen bagi negara ini (Jepun),” kata YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed sejurus selepas merasmikan upacara mesin pengeluaran kesejuta Assembly Services Sdn Bhd di Shah Alam pada 25 April 2011.
Tahun 2010, eksport komponen automatif Malaysia berjumlah hampir RM4bilion,daripada RM3billion yang dieksport pada tahun 2009.Walau bagaimanapun, YB Menteri MITI berkata kerajaan belum membuat keputusan tentang lanjutan tempoh pengecualian cukai bagi kereta hibrid dan elektrik...
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